Readers who have explored a page or two of this website and clicked on all of the links they encounter will understand that it is an exercise in study of God’s word. Links take readers to scriptures they may have never visited before, or if they had read them previously, those scriptures will now speak with new power.

The reason those scriptures speak with new power is that God has perceived the desire of their heart to seek him with all of their heart, mind soul and strength, and he rewards them for their efforts. Readers who approach study with the attitude of little children who leave no stone unturned, will take the time to click the links and learn through experience that God’s power is at work in them. Not only will God reveal answers to mysteries, he will also create a desire to search for new truths that cannot be resisted. Thus they will click on all of the links because they are full of anticipation and excitement over what they will learn.

These disciples will approach study here with the attitude of someone who found a treasure in a field or a precious pearl. They will keep digging (i.e. clicking) to find more treasures. Those who do not click, however, have the attitude that they are already rich and have no need for more spiritual knowledge. These people only think they are rich. They are actually poor in their understanding of God’s word. Because they are wise and intelligent in their own eyes, the deep mysteries of the kingdom of God will be hidden from them.

Those who click and study will find that they are highly motivated to share what they learn with other religious people. But reporting what you hear God say not be an easy thing to do. Nevertheless, God will give them the words to say at the right time.

The rewards of listening to God’s spoken voice are difficult to summarize in human words because, being spiritual, God’s words come more like a vision than as a clear, precise, coherent thought. Nevertheless, receiving and sharing that vision is what should happen whenever we study.

Sadly, most people who seek God do it in the wrong places (e.g. music, worship, fellowship with others, prayer, books, etc.) They do this because they have been taught that God may be found in physical places  and touched through physical activity of some kind (e.g. music, worship, fellowship with others, prayer, reading books, etc.) Again  they are totally wrong. The only place to find and experience God is in the heart. This is the main lesson to be learned and the natural result of learning this lesson is sharing it with others.