Scripture that says God’s ways are not like man’s ways is true in all aspects. One particular way in which it is true is regarding how he has organized truth and reveals mysteries of his word to those who would seek him.

When teaching or writing, man will typically try to organize his thoughts and arguments in a logical sequence that enables listeners or readers to easily follow and understand. In this web site, for example, we have tried to give its many pages and sub pages, paragraphs, sentence structure and order that makes some sense — at least to us. God does not write that way. God’s arguments on a topic are not logically connected as we understand logic and order. But do not let that discourage you.

If you tried to map out the locations of various elements of connected truths on a topic, you would find them scattered throughout the Bible in places that do not appear to make much sense — at least not to us. And we do not think that God is offended to make that observation about his word. Knowing how simple-minded people are, he could have made it easier to read and understand — but he did not. The Bible is the way it is for a reason. The way we see it, the reason is to test people about their love for God as it is revealed by their willingness to study to show God’s approval as one of his children.

We are not saying that there is no logic or coherence to his thoughts. We are saying, however, that our shallow minds do not easily comprehend why God chose to put information about particular topics where he did. Related truths seem randomly scattered throughout the Bible in ways that are difficult, but not impossible to understand — provided we continue studying and putting the pieces together.

Initially, because his ways are not our ways, we should expect to struggle in understanding how the Bible is organized. As we show our faithfulness in study, however, he will be faithful also to reveal truths that our natural minds cannot grasp. It may take months or even years of study, but we will find truth in unexpected places. If we are sincere in our desire to know God, the understanding will come if we do not get discouraged.