Although there is much to be learned from other people, the best, most reliable source of truth is the Bible. But you must study the Bible to acquire that truth. In this website we will constantly challenge readers to do their own study by following links to select scriptures.

As you follow the multitude of links, however, you will surely notice (as if you had not already noticed) that God did not make Bible study easy. Actually, he made knowing him downright difficult. But that is OK if you understand that part of the joy of learning is in the effort to learn. We all know it to be true in other areas of life that “getting there is part of the fun” and that “we have greater appreciation for those things for which we make an effort to acquire”. We also apply the “no pain, no gain” idea usually applied to building our physical bodies. These truths apply in our spiritual lives as well. God knows this principle better than we do, so that is probably one of the reasons why he did not make knowing him easy.

With the advent of the Internet, however, Bible study has gotten somewhat easier — but still not easy. Disciples still need to do the work, and it seems to be true that God will not reveal functional truth (i.e. truth you can understand and apply) until you do some of the work.