While Judaism differs from Christianity in its theology and traditions, both religions are absolutely dependent on the teachings of charismatic leaders. Hard as it may be for either religion to accept, this kind of dependency satisfies God’s definition of idolatry and places Jews and Christians in the position of receiving instruction about God from human prophets who, according to God’s view, functions as an idol in the hearts of people who go to prophets (i.e. those who presume to speak for God) for instruction about him.

In God’s view, such prophets are false prophets who …..

It is no understatement to say that false prophets are totally out of sync with what the Bible teaches. Despite this disconnect, their place and function in the hearts and minds of religious followers has been legitimized in thousands of years of tradition and they continue to thrive in the world of religion.

Being deceived in their hearts about their righteousness and authority to speak for God, and being wise in their own eyes, they deceive others with fine sounding arguments. Having studied their Bibles without ever coming to the knowledge of the truth, they speak peace when there is no peace, and tickle itching ears. This is smooth talk for immature infants who cannot discern good from evil.

One reliable way to identify false prophets (e.g. idols, Pharisees, pastors, preachers, religious leaders, etc.) is to observe if they receive compensation for their teaching. All  professional religious leaders obtain and hold their lucrative positions as leaders when they successfully seek the praise of men who are deceived into believing that they need human mediators to teach them about God — despite the Bible’s clear statement that there is only one mediator between God and man.

In order establish and hold their authoritative positions, income and the praise of men, these religious leaders must have good reputations, say all the right things and impress their followers by their knowledge of traditional sacred rituals and sacraments (e.g. baptism, communion, circumcision, prayer, marriage, etc.) that have the appearance of godliness but no real spiritual power. God calls them wise men, false teachers, magicians, sorcerers and diviners and refers to their practices as witchcraft. In many other places he calls them deceivers who lead people astray by calling evil (i.e. religion) good. Their lies and deceptions are the foundations of all religious organizations.

STUDY TIP: See False Prophets, Religion is Deception, and Serpent, Devil, Satan, Adversary, Demons, Evil Spirits and Anti-Christs.