The world is full of people who are glad to be the go-to guys for people who will trust in man. Thanks to God’s goodness, they have something to offer that is appealing to broken, hurting, hungry people who need some kind of help (spiritual or material). So these gifted people organize themselves into a ministry of some kind, or get hired by a church or mission or do something that is the equivalent of advertising their availability to provide a spiritual service or sell a spiritual commodity (e.g teaching, music, evangelism, etc.). And when they do advertise, they will find a market for whatever it is that they want to sell. If they are good at marketing themselves they will also find that there are people who are willing to pay them to do whatever it is that they do. It is a business deal made in hell: A seller who markets himself/herself as a spiritual leader/servant/pastor, and a buyer who needs a god for deliverance of some kind. Both seller and buyer are deceived and both suffer for being party to this unholy arrangement.

Some religious professionals (e.g. counselors, pastors, authors, musicians, etc.) will charge the consumer directly for the spiritual service they want to sell. But many who are in ministry (e.g. missionaries and evangelists) will not directly charge the consumer for the ministry, they can usually find people who believe that it is to their spiritual credit to support the one who proposes to perform the actual ministries. Such donors wrongly believe that God will somehow reward them for paying others to perform ministry that they should be doing themselves. They believe this to be true because religious institutions have been operating this way for hundreds of years and continue to legitimize this way of commercial religion with their words and actions. They either do not know or do not practice what God has clearly said about commercial religion. Either way, they are in error and they deceive ignorant people into giving them money. They are ravenous wolves, dressed as sheep, preaching a deceptive gospel.