God has a subtle but descriptive way of symbolizing pride in the Bible. He calls it “fat.”

Just as too much fat is not healthy for the physical body, pride (i.e. fat) is not healthy for the spiritual heart. As God represents it, pride covers the heart making it impossible to hear God’s voice. Another way to say it is that pride dulls the ability of our heart to hear God’s voice with spiritual eyes and ears.

Since listening to God’s voice is a commandment and is absolutely essential to a healthy spiritual life, we should want to remove anything that inhibits our ability to hear God’s voice. The way we do that is by sacrificing the fat (i.e. pride) we have in being religious on the altar of our hearts.

Since it is pride that draws us into religion and pride that keeps us religious, pride must be sacrificed. Since pride inhibits our ability to  hear God’s voice, pride must be sacrificed.