There are several hot-button issues over which religious people are mobilized and involved to influence legislation in the United States.

  • Same-sex marriage
  • Health Care
  • Taxes
  • Immigration
  • Birth control

And there are several issues that have been in play for several years and will continue to be hot-button topics for some religionists forever — or until government changes its laws to agree with what religionists want.

  • Abortion
  • Prayer in schools
  • Education
  • Bioethics
  • Euthanasia

In sincere, but misguided efforts to advance these issues, there will always be religious people who will get involved in election of high-ranking government officials at both the state and federal level. In every election there are always one or two candidates who will successfully appeal to the Christian Right for money and votes. They have charisma and say the right things about current topical issues that are important to religionists. We are not saying that their motives are wrong, but their activist strategies are wrong.

Whether it is issues or elections, religious people will yoke themselves to anyone who share their feelings and opinions and promises to make a difference in government if people will support them with money, get-out-the-vote activism and votes. All this activity is evidence that people put more trust in mortal men than in God.