In previous pages, we reviewed the challenges of interpreting God’s spoken words to human language. In this page, readers will be challenged to create their own interpretations of chapters 1 through 3 from the original Greek texts and known bible symbolism of terms included in those chapters.
For each chapter, verses of the New American Standard Version is given for reference. Also, the original text for each verse recorded by John is provided. To assist with the interpretation, there is a list below of bible terms/words that are used symbolically to represent God’s intended meanings of dreams and visions he revealed to John. Adjacent to each term/word that is used symbolically, there are links to the symbolic meanings of those terms/words.
With this information, readers who are willing to invest some time may create their own interpretations of chapters 1 through 3of the Book of Revelation.
The Book of Revelation is widely regarded as one of the most difficult books of the bible to understand. The reason for the difficulty is the many symbolic terms that appear there. This symbolism will be explained in the interpretations of the various chapters of the Book of Revelation which follow.