Many super-spiritual religionists like to study and debate the pros and cons of premillennialism, postmillennialism and amillennialism. There is wide disagreement about these eschatological issues because everyone uses their intellect to make sense out of the literal scriptures that inspire these theories. These are important concepts to religious people who connect the Second Coming of Christ  to the thousand year age of peace. Here are brief descriptions of each of the three concepts:

Premillennialism is the belief that Jesus will physically return to the earth and commence the literal thousand-year (millennium) suggested in Revelation 20. Christ’s return commences the millennium dispensation of world peace during which Jesus and his followers are able to rule the world because an angel has bound satan and confined him to the abyss.

Postmillennialism is based on an interpretation of Revelation 20 which sees satan bound and thrown into the abyss after the thousand-year age of world peace in which Jesus and his followers rule the world.

Amillennialism is a theory which holds that there will be no millennial reign of the righteous on Earth. Amilennialists reject the idea that Christ will physically reign on the earth for exactly one thousand years. Instead, they interpret the “thousand years” mentioned in Revelation 20 symbolically — not literally. Amillennialists hold that the millennium has already begun and is concurrent with the church age in which Jesus and his followers rule the earth because satan has been bound and sent to the abyss. Amillennialists believe that at the end of the church age, Jesus will judge everyone and establish a permanent reign in a new heaven and new earth.

This intellectual debate begins and ends with the scripture about when the thousand year reign begins. There is a debate because people generally interpret bible time like human time. This should never happen when reading the bible, but especially not with respect to the “thousand years” because the bible gives us clear clues that a thousand years is like a day and a day is like a thousand years. There should be no debate about when the end times happen because God’s focus is always on today. That why the bible says several times that no one will know when the end of the world will come. This makes the debate about premillennialism, postmillennialism and amillennialism meaningless chatter.

If we are focused on any time other than today we are missing what God wants to teach us today. Trying to figure out when the thousand years happens is an exercise in futility that diverts our attention from hearing God’s voice today. The only way we will come to understand the circumstances that define the thousand years is when we understand the complex symbolism of the book of Revelation. When we understand the symbolism, we will understand that the end times is a unique time for the end of religion for each religious person.

The other critical point to understand is that the about the end times is that the focus of the book of Revelation is personal — not global. The reason for this misunderstanding goes back to misunderstanding of the meaning of “the world.” Because religious people think of the world in physical terms, they default to thinking about the end of the world in global terms also. This causes them to believe that the end times will be a global event that affects everyone at the same time.

The idea of a global, end times event is wrong thinking that totally disagrees with the principle of “all scripture is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.” Religious people default to thinking in terms of God interacting with groups because religion always operates in group settings (e.g. church, synagogue, conferences, etc.) And they like to believe that they and their co-religionists will all be swept into heaven at the same time because they have the inside track on how to get to heaven while everyone else will be left behind. But that is not how God operates. God speaks to people one at a time, face to face, — not in groups and not globally. 

 Unlike Jesus, religious people are not in the habit of going to a private place to pray and worship (i.e. listen to hear God’s voice.) This the only way to be intimate with God.
STUDY TIP: See Worship for understanding of true worship.

The takeaway message for people who study the end times is that they are wasting their time trying to figure out when it will happen and who will be affected in what ways. The only way to understand the end times is to personally study the Book of Revelation verse by verse. The revelation about the end times will come to those who persevere in this task. There will be a big bonus for those who don’t quit.