Jesus understood what it meant to be a servant. He knew that his one and only job was to speak for God. It makes no sense to believe that he was God and spoke for God. If he was God, he would speak for himself.

STUDY TIP: See Servants and Shepherds for understanding of what it means to serve God

He understood that he did not have within his body the power to heal diseases, restore sight to the blind, heal the deaf, heal the lame, or raise the dead. He understood that God accomplished these miracles through the power of God’s word spoken through him. And he sought no glory for himself when God accomplished miracles through him.

As a servant of God, Jesus understood that a servant is not above his/her master. Nevertheless, Christians insist on placing Jesus ahead of God in so many ways. For example:

  • They call themselves followers of Jesus, not followers of God.
  • Many name their churches after Jesus.
  • They often use the cross to identify with Jesus.
  • They think that Jesus heals and saves them.

These are glaring inconsistencies with respect to obedience to Jesus’ teachings and his example.

Jesus clearly understood the servant/master relationship. He also understood what he taught about the first being last, and the last being first. Since he was a servant, he could not, and would not, want to be elevated to a position ahead of the one whom he served. He would not approve,  therefore, of the way Christians elevate him above God. He would not approve of the way that Christians have made him into an idol.

He saw what Christians cannot see: It is impossible to both serve God and be God. If Jesus was God’s servant, and he was, he was then, by definition, subordinate to God. This fact undermines all Christian theology regarding Jesus — including the doctrine of the trinity.

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