Because Christians like to think of Jesus as their king, they have created a kingdom (i.e. the world of Christianity) for him. Jesus did not command them to do this. In fact, everything Jesus said affirms that the only kingdom he acknowledged (other than religious kingdoms) was God’s kingdom. We see this in the following scriptures:

Luke 4: 43 “But he (Yeshua/Jesus) said, “I must preach the good news of the Kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.”

Luke 8: 1. And it happened after these things that Y’shua was going around in the cities and in the villages and was preaching and declaring the Kingdom of Elohim.

Acts 28: 23 “From morning till evening the Apostle Paul explained and declared the Kingdom of God and tried to convince people about Yeshua from the Law of Moses and from the Prophets.”

Jews are no better on this account. They do not care what Jesus said, of course, but they do care about the nation of Israel and do everything they can to establish, defend and preserve their political and religious kingdoms. They do this with no understanding that God’s references to the nation of Israel are to a kingdom of priests and a holy nation — not to a political kingdom.