Religious people like to think of themselves as servants of God and shepherds of their religious flocks. Here are a few of the ways that they think serving and shepherding is accomplished:

  • Preaching/teaching.
  • Evangelism.
  • Worshiping in a church/synagogue or at a conference.
  • Praying.
  • Studying the Bible alone or with others.
  • Work in the office of a church or ministry.
  • Volunteer maintenance or building projects for a church or ministry or poor people.
  • Volunteer to give people rides to church.
  • Use writing talents to produce books or create websites.
  • Ushering and greeting at church.
  • Engaging in fellowship with other believers.
  • Use musical talents in church or concerts.
  • Work in the church kitchen for religious events.
  • Work in the church nursery or teach Sunday school.
  • Give money to a church or ministry.
  • Helping the poor.
  • Counseling people with problems.

Because most of the work items in this list are done voluntarily, people believe that they serve God by giving their time and labor support religious activities, ministries and institutions. It all seems very noble and sacrificial and is a great source of pride for religious people. The problem is, however, that all these activities are nothing more than flesh in motion in God’s eyes. These activities do not serve God. They serve God’s enemy: religion.

Some of the serving/shepherding work is accomplished by paid professionals such as pastors, teachers in religious schools, evangelists, and leaders of specialized ministries which are often identified by the name of the lead person. Even though these people are paid for their work, they still think of themselves as servants. They are the ones who benefit from commercial religion.

All of this religious activity is very different from the one purpose of a Godly servant whose only job is to speak for God and to mediate between God and man.

STUDY TIP: See this link for understanding of mediation.

God also calls his servants true prophets, angelsmessiahs, high priests, witnesses, servants, shepherds and warriors. 

The principle of by speaking for God is found in Jesus who leads by using his voice to speak God’s words. For that reason, Jesus was a servant of God.

Religious leaders also lead with their words, but they speak out of the evil imaginations of their minds — not God’s words. Therefore, it can be said that Religious leaders are in competition with God in a war of words.

Here are the differences between the two kinds of servants and shepherds:

God’s servants are Trees of Life Religious servants are Trees of Knowledge of Good and Evil
God’s servants speak God’s words by the power of God’s spirit. Religious leaders speak out of the evil imaginations of their minds.
God’s servants speak words that are good, clean, spiritual food. Religious servants speak words that are evil soulish food.
God’s servants speak words that lead to eternal life. Religious servants speak words that lead to spiritual death.
God’s servants are called and anointed as true prophets, angels, messiahs, high priests, warriors and apostles, but they do not testify about their calling nor promote themselves with titles or labels. Religious servants are identified as false prophets. They are typically called Pastors, Priests, Rabbis, Apostles, Bishops, Elders, Deacons, Overseers, Popes, Missionaries and Evangelists, but other, nonprofessional, religious people are also false prophets. If they practice religion, they are false prophets.
God’s servants speak out of the overflow of clean, pure hearts. Religious servants speak out of the evil imaginations of their minds.
God’s servants give warnings to religious people and call them out of religion. Religious servants encourage people to be more religious.
God’s servants teach people how to hear God’s spoken voice. Religious servants  encourage people to listen to, follow and support religious leaders.
God’s servants teach people to worship in spirit and truth. Religious servants teach people to worship with music and rituals in buildings.
God’s servants tear down idols and religious systems to make way for God’s kingdom in clean, pure hearts. Religious servants build churches, synagogues and ministries to establish their personal kingdoms.
God calls his servants a treasured possession and a kingdom of priests. God calls religious leaders hired hands, foolish, worthless, stupid shepherds, a brood of vipers, and children of the devil.
God’s servants freely give to others the words they received from God without charge. Religious leaders serve for personal gain and pride.

Religious leaders encourage their followers to pay financial tithes and offerings.

STUDY TIP: Jesus is the perfect example of a Godly servant/shepherd. See this link for a detailed list of Jesus’ ministry functions that describe the works of a Godly servant/shepherd. Also see this link for the kinds of good works that a Godly servant/shepherd does.