Our first clue that the serpent, devil, satan, demons and evil spirits are not real spiritual entities is found in the fact that they exist in the mythological lore of ancient religions. Knowing that God often used concepts (e.g. people, places, things, rituals, etc.) of other religions to represent spiritual truth, we should automatically assume that they do not exist as physical or spiritual beings. We must keep in mind that the people who imagined the concepts of pre-Abrahamic religion did not know God or even know that he existed. They were pagans who worshiped gods of their own design.

Jews and Christians who believe in devils, demons and evil spirits effectively adopt the beliefs of ancient religions. They would not say that, of course, because they find justification for their beliefs in the literal words of the bible. They do not understand that God uses these mythical characters to symbolically represent false prophets embodied in religious leaders such as Pastors, Priests, Rabbis, Apostles, Bishops, Elders, Deacons, Overseers, Popes, Missionaries and Evangelists. If they understood the symbolism they would never listen to these religious leaders. If they understood the symbolism, they would also understand their spiritual is not against invisible evil spirits (e.g. devil, satan, demons, etc.), but against those religious leaders who preach religion and try to keep them engaged in religion so that those leaders will earn income from their tithes and offerings.

There is another big problem with adopting the beliefs of ancient religions. They violate God’s clear command not to follow the customs of other nations (i.e. religions).