The first thing to understand about this term is that there is not one, unique person called the Antichrist who will appear at some unknown, future time. Scripture tells us, in fact, that there are many antichrists. They have always existed. Wherever religion exists, anti-christs exist.

To understand the nature of antichrists, it is first necessary to understand the nature of christs who are also called messiahs. The nature of a messiah is discussed in detail in Messiahs where we see that the oil used in anointing is God’s spoken word. Antichrists are not anointed with God’s word.

A christ, is a true prophet who hears God’s spoken voice and reports what he hears to others. Here are the ways to understand anti-christs:

Antichrists are religious people whose message is in opposition to the message true prophets. Antichrists are false prophets. And, just as there are many false prophets, there are many antichrists, false messiahs/false gods who do not speak for God but who speak worldly wisdom and knowledge that they invent out of their own minds and evil hearts.

Antichrists are the trees of which God said that his people should not eat. They are the religious leaders of all kinds of religions with a variety of leadership titles: Pastors, Priests, Rabbis, Apostles, Bishops, Elders, Deacons, Overseers, Rabbis, Popes, Missionaries and Evangelists.