New Covenant disciples are the only people equipped to discern the difference between false and true prophets. People who have not yet disengaged from religion, however, still need help identifying false prophets. For them, the following clues are helpful:
Many false prophets have their own ministries which are identified with the personal name and image of the false prophet. Most of these false prophets will have websites that recount their religious credentials and their religious successes. The same is true for False Prophets who are politicians. These websites will advertise their meetings/conferences, provide ways for followers to donate money to them, and sell religious products (e.g. meetings/conferences, books, cds, etc.). False Prophets who are politicians promise to vote for certain legislation in exchange for votes and donations.
Many false prophets are not known primarily as religious leaders. They may be best known as sports figures, politicians, musical artists or businesspeople. When they use their public popularity as a platform from which they identify themselves as being religious and speak with a kind of religious authority by invoking the names of God and Jesus, they reveal their false prophet status.
False prophets thrive on receiving glory from others for their religious and/or political activity and their public proclamations of their religious faith.
Some false prophets will claim that they have heard a word or message from God that is appropriate to a specific situation or person.
There is an elite class of false prophets who pridefully exalt themselves by using their names and images to identify themselves as spiritual leaders when they promote themselves and invite people to come to their meetings/ music performances, political rallies, and conferences where they publicly display their righteousness to anyone who is willing to pay the price of admission, give an offering, donate to their political campaign or purchase their religious products (e.g. book, cd, music, video, votes, etc.).
False prophets create a public image of humility and piety. This image is hypocrisy that hides their evil, impure hearts. They are actually full of pride.
Some prophets identify themselves as prophets, and some do not. However, if they embody any of the characteristics of false prophets, they are false prophets — even if they do not claim to be prophets. People who claim to have knowledge of God and authority to speak for God are false prophets if they have one or more of the following characteristics:
STUDY TIP: This is a good checklist for anyone who wants to identify whether a religious leader (e.g., priest, pastor, rabbi, teacher, politician, etc.) is a true prophet or a false prophet. See CHECKLIST FOR IDENTIFYING TRUE PROPHETS for a list of a true prophets’ teachings, qualities and normal behaviors.
STUDY TIP: See this link for understanding of how God uses sexual themes to symbolically represent spiritual truths.
Most religious people will have trouble accepting that their religious leaders are false prophets because they have been deceived by many of them. That awareness arouses great humility and makes it very difficult for them to admit that they have invested time, money and affections (i.e. idols of the heart) on people whom God considers to be false teachers and adulterers. This is discouraging and embarrassing news, of course, but it is not as bad as discovering at some future day they never really knew God and that he never really knew them.
Accept that they have willingly and eagerly allowed themselves to be deceived by false prophets.
Accept that they have entered into a kind of covenant relationship with one or more false prophets when they did the following:
♦ Sought them out for teaching by attending their religious meetings and conferences.
♦ Gave them praise and honor for the quality of their teaching.
♦ Supported them with money, purchased their religious products and encouraged others to follow them.
These are not easy choices to make. Close relationships developed with false prophets make separation and confrontation very difficult. Nevertheless, once we learn how distinguish between true prophets and false prophets, we are in a position where we must choose between the way of holiness or the way of fools. We can continue wandering in Old/First Covenant religion or become New Covenant disciples. This is life and death decision. If we choose life, we must also decide if we will serve in God’s army where we will tell others that religion is sin. These are life and death choices that affect us and others.