NOTE TO READERS: See this link for scriptures about personal transformation before reading this page.
Upon reading these scriptures some people will begin to accept that God, as a spiritual being, is much more interested in the hearts of men than he is in the material stuff of the world including the material stuff of religion. They will begin to understand that God uses the material stuff of the world, which men understand so well, to communicate deep spiritual truths hidden for ages as mysteries. They will understand that it is God’s creation of men in his spiritual image which is most important to God because he created them to reveal his glory (i.e. character) to the nations. This is the principle applied in all parables. Truths may be hidden, but God is willing to reveal the mysteries to those who accept that mysteries exist and are willing to search them out. So, there is no Gnosticism here. What we do have, however, is God fulfilling his promises to reveal mysteries he has created for us to search out.
To help readers get into the right frame of mind for understanding these mysteries, we will begin by giving a peek into where this is all going. We want to plant the conclusion in the minds of readers before we discuss the scriptures that support it. We could say it in many different ways, and will do that later, but for now we will put it in this simple statement:
The story called the miracle of creation is a prophetic parable of the process by which God changes evil, impure hearts to clean pure hearts. in which death (i.e. Old/First Covenant religion) is overcome by life (i.e. New Covenant).
The concept of “overcoming” is very important in the Bible. We show in later pages that it is introduced symbolically as good overcoming evil in creation. And it appears several times in the New Testament — especially in the book of Revelation. Another way to look at it is as New Covenant redemption from the consequences of participation in Defiled Religion.
This summary won’t make much or any sense right now to most readers, but it will make a lot of sense when readers study these pages:
- Creation is actually transformation of the human heart.
- Genesis of Genesis: Where Did the Biblical Story of Creation Come From?
- Garden of Eden
- Adam
- Curses
- Eve
- First Day of Transformation
- Second Day of Transformation
- Third Day of Transformation
- Fourth Day of Transformation
- Fifth Day of Transformation
- Sixth Day of Transformation
- Seventh Day of Transformation
- Tree of Life
- Life
- Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
- Death
Making that transition is not a quick or easy task. It is not as simple as saying a prayer or walking down an aisle at a revival meeting. Similarly, the task of understanding the depth of meaning of the creation story is hard and complicated. Unlike religionists who have grossly reduced God’s complicated message about his plan for his kingdom to a few theological points, we have not taken the easy route. Therefore, we have chosen to present the way we see the creation story in all of its complexity — or at least as much as we are able to see right now. What we end up with is the following ten pages.
There is a lot of information and many scripture links in each page. This is not the kind of study that any serious disciple will want to storm through in one or two quick readings. We therefore recommend that readers allow as much time as necessary to work their way through all the pages. We think that those who do commit the time necessary will be glad they did.