We are prepared for the fact that what we have written about creation will not make sense to everyone. In fact, we are prepared for the fact that what we have written will actually make many people very angry. No problem for us! It is all God’s problem because when people are able to see and hear with spiritual understanding is up to God.

No doubt there are many different reasons why God chooses to give understanding to different people at different times. But, as we read the verses in the following scriptures, we get some clues about the reasons God does not give revelation to some people. Here is a quick summary in case readers missed them:

Unclean lips, dwelling in the midst of a people of unclean lips.
Carelessness in doing the words of the covenant. 
Fat (i.e. proud) heart. 
Depriving the thirsty of drink.  Ignore the  plea of the needy.
Failure to satisfy the craving of the hungry.
Speak folly, plot iniquity and practice ungodliness.
Devise wicked devices to ruin the poor with lying words.
Deal very treacherously with others.
Failure to fear God and tremble before him.  Rebel from birth.
Stubborn and rebellious heart.
Turned aside and gone away from God.
Bad soil for receiving God’s word.
Failure to repent for hearts that have grown dull, ears that are tired of hearing, and eyes that are closed God has given them a spirit of stupor so that they do not have eyes to see or ears to hear.

Readers for whom our interpretations of creation do not make sense would do well to check their hearts on these and other issues before reading. Prideful confidence in personal righteousness because of holding to a rigid, literal interpretation of the law is an impediment to understanding deep spiritual matters.