Most people, especially Jews and Christians, will be shocked to learn that the so-called creation story is not about a one-time historical, physical event in which God created heaven and earth and everything in it. Rather, the mystery hidden in the Symbols, Signs, Types, Parables, Allegories, Copies, and Shadows and the book of Genesis is about process through which God re-creates man into his spiritual image.

This transformation process is introduced allegorically in Genesis and retold in many different ways throughout the bible — including the Book of Revelation. For generations, theologians, religious leaders and bible publishers have misled people by translating the Hebrew word “bara’” with the English words create (6 times), created (32 times), creates (1 time), creating (3 times), and creator (4 times). These translations always gave bible readers the false idea that God created the natural heaven and earth, and everything in it out of nothing (ex-nihilo) and inspired the so-called creationism doctrine.

STUDY TIP: See Transformation Not Creation for a thorough discussion of transformation in the bible.