Literal interpretations of the Bible always interpret wine as a natural food product made from grapes. When it is interpreted as a natural food that is drunk for religious purposes (e.g. communion/Eucharist, etc.), it becomes an evil food because the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking natural food. But, when interpreted spiritually as God’s spoken word, it is good food.

Not all wine is the same. In the natural world, old wine is preferred. It has better taste but is more expensive. Newer wines, on the other hand, are cheaper and generally considered to be of lesser quality than the old.

In Biblical language, however, new wine is better than old wine.
Wine that leads to joy is Spiritual wine consumed by New Covenant disciples. It is the product of the Holy Spirit working in and through people. New wine is the spoken word of God. Symbolically speaking, Jesus brought new wine to Israel because the words he spoke were God’s words. 

STUDY TIP: See  this link for discussion of the story of the wedding in Cana.

New wine is fruit of the Tree of Life. God is the tree of life. The fruit of the tree of life is wine which symbolically represents God’s spoken voice.

STUDY TIP: See this link for scriptures about trees of life represented as a grape vine. God is the ultimate tree of life. True prophets, angels, messiahs, high priests, and warriors are the branches of the vine. The fruit of the tree of life (i.e. God) is grapes which are converted into wine through a refining process.

Old wine leading to drunkenness is Old/First Covenant religion. It is intoxicating strong drink produced by man’s efforts to create and consume religion out of their literal interpretations of the Bible. Religious leaders are most vulnerable to addiction to this kind of drink, but anyone can become addicted to its toxic influence.