It is beyond the scope of this page to discuss all the symbolic references to food found in the Bible.  Nevertheless, here are a few of the most common references:

Animals, birds and fish Animals, birds and fish typically symbolize people. And, like all other symbols in the Bible, there are two opposing meanings of Biblical references to these creatures: One is good and life-giving, and one is evil.

The general principle behind the list of clean and unclean animals/birds/fish is this: Use discernment to identify whether Bible teachers are serving good, clean spiritual food or evil, soulish food.

To make his point about what foods (i.e. teachings) can be eaten (i.e. absorbed into the mind and heart), God uses the natural characteristics of natural animals/birds/fish to teach about spiritual truth. It is an example of the “first the natural and then the spiritual” principle.

With this principle in mind, God forbids the consumption of animals with the following natural characteristics:

    • Scavengers and carrion eaters (e.g eagles, vultures, hawks, etc.) that eat other animals.
    • Animals such as pigs, bears, vultures and raptors that eat decaying flesh.
    • Predators (e.g. wolves, lions, leopards, cheetahs, etc.) that prey on weak and/or diseased herd animals.
    • Bottom dwelling sea animals (e.g. lobsters and crabs) that scavenge for dead animals on the sea floor. Shellfish (e.g. oysters, clams and mussels) that consume decaying organic matter, including sewage, that sinks to the sea floor.

These creatures are identified as “unclean” food because they all eat dead things. Symbolically,  the command to not eat these foods means that religious people should not feed their hearts and minds on the teachings of religious leaders because religious leaders are Trees of Knowledge of Good and Evil who serve evil, soulish food/fruit (i.e. false teachings) to spiritually dead religious people who focus on the natural words of the Bible. From God’s perspective, the situation looks like this: spiritually dead religious leaders feed on the praise and finances of spiritually dead religious followers, and the religious followers feed on the words of the religious leaders. There is no life in these relationships because God’s spoken word is not part of the equation.

God’s message in his command to not eat unclean animals/birds/fish is not about eating the natural animals/birds/fish. The command is that his people should not listen to the teachings of the religious leaders who feed on death and serve words of death to others. This command is nothing more or less than his command in Genesis to not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The religious leaders are symbolically represented as trees of knowledge of good and evil. Their teachings (i.e. their spoken and written words) are evil, soulish fruit.

Part of the injustice of this relationship is that religious leaders prosper themselves financially and emotionally through their relationship with religious followers. They are the beneficiaries of the commercial religion system that is financed by religious people who ignorantly pay financial tithes and offerings to the religious leaders and the ministries they lead. In Bible language, religious leaders feed (i.e. live, support, sustain themselves in terms of pride and income) on the ignorance of followers who are deceived into thinking that giving money to them is the Biblically correct thing to do. They do this because they do not understand the truth about tithes and offerings.

Field See Land and Earth
Good Seed
  • People in whom spiritual seed has been sown, mature into God’s image, and have been harvested so that they will provide spiritual food for God and others.
  • Note: God is spirit, and he is nourished by spiritual food just like people who are flesh are nourished by physical food.
Grain Offerings
Bread offered to God
  • A higher form of offering made from grain/wheat.
  • It is more mature than harvested wheat because it has been winnowed, ground into flour, kneaded and baked in a refining process that yields a tasty spiritual food for God and for the people who eat God’s words spoken by them.
Bread given by God to his people
Bread of Wickedness, Adversity and Affliction
Bread of idleness
  • Spiritual sluggishness, laziness (i.e. produces no good spiritual fruit) that is found in religion.
  • Religion
Unleavened Bread
Leavened Bread
Leavening of the Pharisees Religion as taught and practiced by Old/First Covenant religious leaders.
Meat Sacrificed to Idols Religious laws and false teachings based on the literal words of the Bible spoken by false prophets to Old/First Covenant religionists.

STUDY TIP: See TREES ARE PEOPLE for understanding about good fruit and bad fruit.

Fruit of  Trees of Life
Fruit of Trees of Knowledge of Good and Evil
Milk There are two kinds of milk. First, there is ordinary milk for spiritual infants who receive religious instruction from human teachers. This is the milk that false prophets serve to Old/First Covenant religionists. Then there is pure milk which is the words spoken by God to New Covenant disciples.
Honey Nourishment for spiritual adults who receive instruction about God directly from the spirit of God.
Manna See common manna and hidden manna.