In the English language there is an idiomatic phrase that says a person is “as good as his/her word”. While this may sometimes true for humans, it is always true of God.

God’s character and God’s spoken word are inseparable. God is his word. This truth is verified in links to scriptures in this table:


STUDY TIP: See Third Commandment for understanding of God’s name.

There may be other scriptures that confirm the direct association between God and his spoken word. But, even without identification of those scriptures, it is irrefutably clear from the scriptures in the links in the above table that God cannot be distinguished from, or separated from his spoken word. God and his word are not two different things. God and his word are one thing, not two things. If you know God, you know his word. If you know God’s word, you know God.

The full implications of this truth are impossible to list in detail. Nevertheless, the following can be said without fear of contradiction:

It can also be said with confidence that religious activity (e.g. prayer, singing, liturgical readings, fellowship, listening to teachings of religious leaders, etc.) does not directly lead to knowledge of God. Religious activities are only copies and shadows of  heavenly things (i.e. spiritual things) available to New Covenant disciples.

Religion and faith are incompatible. Religious activities are all visible and change over time, while God’s character and his words are invisible and unchanging.

Knowledge of God is a matter of faith which cannot be seen, while, religion is a matter of the flesh which can be seen.

With these truths in mind, it becomes important for all religious people who truly desire to know God to heed his call to come out of religion. If they will quit being religious and listen to God’s spoken voice they will enjoy eternal life. If they do not quit being religious, they will continue in a life of hell, bondage and affliction. This is the choice of blessing or cursing, life or death, that they make — whether consciously or out of ignorance.