Religious people look for physical signs and wonders in the natural world. This perspective contrasts with God’s idea of a miracle: When hearts are changed from evil and impure to good and pure. This is a miracle that only God can effect and he does it through the power of his spoken word. All other kinds of signs/wonders/miracles represented in the Bible (e.g. healing blind, healing the deaf, healing the sick and lame, leprosy, etc.) are symbolic representations of this one miracle.

The kind of change he wants to see is when people abandon their affection for religion and redirect their love toward God. The ultimate evidence that such a miracle has occurred exists when people stop listening to false prophets and listen to God’s voice.

Bible stories about miraculous events always communicate the theme of death, resurrection and new life. The following are a few examples of the ways that New Covenant disciples understand the differences between death and life:

There are three reasons why Old/First Covenant religionists cannot relate to these experiences:

  1.  Their hearts have not been changed.
  2. They have not been delivered from religion.
  3. They have no memory of the process by which they were delivered.

Until they have these experiences, they will continue to believe that they are spiritually alive even though they are spiritually dead.

They think they have spiritual knowledge but all they have is worldly knowledge. They listen to false prophets but do not listen to true prophets or to God’s spoken voice. They look for physical miracles but have not experienced the spiritual miracle of having God give them a new heart and spiritual eyes and ears. Then, and only then, will they experience eternal life that comes through God’s spoken word.

STUDY TIP: See Eternal Life.