Good character may be defined as a set of positive traits that contribute to an individual’s integrity, relationships, and overall impact on society. Here is a comprehensive list of these traits reported by
Emotional Qualities
- Empathetic: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others.
- Loving: Showing deep affection and care for others.
- Warmhearted: Kind and compassionate towards others.
- Shows self control in difficult circumstances.
- Do not lash out verbally or physically when threatened.
- Do not fear threats to reputation, intelligence or authority.
- Always forgives those who threaten reputation or authority.
- Do not hold on to anger.
- Do not seek revenge against those who threaten them in any way.
Transparency: This character quality embodies honesty, openness, and authenticity in their interactions with others. People with character are always transparent, fostering trust, and creating meaningful connections. They contribute to a more open and honest environment in personal relationships and professional settings. There is never any doubt about where they stand on issues.
- Honesty: They speak truthfully and directly, avoiding deception or omission of important information
- Alignment of words and actions: Their behavior consistently matches what they say, demonstrating integrity.
- Openness: They readily share relevant information and express their thoughts and feelings openly. They do not use words to deceive, deflect or obfuscate. They readily share relevant information and express their thoughts and feelings openly
- Vulnerability: They are willing to share parts of themselves that may leave them open to others’ opinions, fostering deeper connections
- Accountability: They take responsibility for their actions and admit mistake
- Authenticity: Their internal values match the persona they present to the world
- Trustworthiness: Due to their consistent honesty, people tend to like, respect, and trust them
- Clear communication: They strive for clarity in their interactions, recognizing that unclear communication can lead to low-trust environments.
- Professionalism: While being open, they maintain appropriate boundaries and respect others’ privacy
- Realism: They acknowledge both positive and negative aspects of situations, setting practical goals and expectations.
Intellectual Qualities
- Curious: Eager to learn and explore new ideas.
- Logical: Reasoning clearly and sensibly.
- Imaginative: Creative in thinking and problem-solving.
Interpersonal Qualities
- Supportive: Offering help and encouragement to others.
- Sociable: Enjoying the company of others and engaging easily.
- Humorous: Able to bring joy and laughter to situations.
- Is not greedy for wealth or power.
- Does not envy wealth or power possessed by others.
- Does not slander, malign, or abuse others publicly or privately.
Ethical Qualities
- Honest: Truthful and transparent in actions and words.
- Respectful: Showing consideration for others’ feelings and rights.
- Fair: Treating everyone equally without bias.
Dynamic & Energetic Qualities
- Enthusiastic: Showing intense enjoyment or interest.
- Vibrant: Full of energy and life.
- Positive: Maintaining an optimistic outlook.
Resilient & Steadfast Qualities
- Persistent: Continuing firmly in a course of action despite difficulties.
- Tenacious: Holding fast to goals or principles with determination.
- Strong: Exhibiting mental or emotional strength.
Leadership & Influential Qualities
- Motivated: Driven to achieve goals and inspire others.
- Proactive: Taking initiative rather than waiting for opportunities.
- Strategic: Planning effectively to achieve desired outcomes.
Reliability & Trustworthiness
- Dependable: Reliable in fulfilling commitments.
- Loyal: Faithful to commitments or obligations.
- Trustworthy: Deserving of trust; honest in dealings.
Skill & Efficiency
- Competent: Having the necessary ability or knowledge to do something well.
- Organized: Structured in approach, able to manage tasks effectively.
- Productive: Capable of producing significant results efficiently.
Openness & Adaptability
- Open-minded: Willing to consider new ideas or opinions.
- Flexible: Able to adapt to new conditions or changes easily.
- Tolerant: Accepting differing views or behaviors.
- This voters’ guide is extracted from the Substack post Voters’ Guide to Choosing Elected Leaders with Good Character.
- Also see Qualities of Poor Character and Leadership for qualities related to character.
- To learn more about choosing whom to vote for, visit Make America Better: Vote for Character in Substack