It is always good to pay close attention to the things politicians say but it is especially important during election seasons when politicians have greater incentives to lie: When people vote for politicians who lie, they waste their vote.
Paying close attention requires doing the following intellectual work:
- Evaluate the things they say and do to determine their character. See this link for guide to judging character.
- Don’t assume that everything a politician says is true.
- Assume that politicians will tell lies to get elected.
- Investigate to verify or disprove what politicians say.
- Cross-reference multiple sources:
- Compare information from different reputable news outlets and fact-checkers.
- Look for consensus among multiple independent sources.
- Check for context:
- Consider the full context of politicians’ statements.
- Look at the complete speech or interview to understand the broader message.
- Be aware of your own biases to believe or reject what politicians say:
- Research evidence and data that confirms or denies politicians’ statements:
- Seek out statistical information, research studies, or expert opinions that support or refute claims.
- Be cautious of politicians who cherry-pick data or quote statistics out of context.
- Look at the politician’s history of truthfulness and consistency in their statements.
- Closely evaluate conspiracy theories and oversimplified solutions to complex problems.
- Identify common, illogical, abusive, strategies politicians use to attack opponents and media who challenge their lies.
- Disqualify anything they say that appeals to emotions and existential fears.
- Discount claims they make if they don’t back up claims with facts.
- Seek opinions from experts and academics.
- Reject politicians who reference their religious faith or religious concepts because they are appealing to your emotions — not intellect.
Of course it takes time to do this intellectual work. Being a patriotic American does not require that voters do such work. But, sincere patriots will do this work for their own peace of mind and the well being of their fellow Americans.
Failure to do the work of discovering truth is a concession to liars who are energized by personal motives and to those lazy Americans who are not willing to exercise their minds so they can vote for the best possible elected officials.