RELIGIOSITY IS NOT A QUALIFICATION FOR TRUTHTELLERS People who believe in and claim follow the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (i.e. Jews and Christians) believe that they have exclusive access to biblical truth. They also believe that atheists, agnostics, freethinkers, freethinkers, secular humanists, rationalists and followers of other religions (collectively categorized as “unbelievers” by Christians) do not have access to biblical truth. Just like they are wrong about so many things that they believe, Jews and Christians are wrong about who has and does not have access to truth. Unbelievers should be encouraged to know, therefore, that lack of belief in God, and religious piety are not prerequisites to being an effective truth teller. Truth is truth — no matter who speaks it.It is a curious fact that people who are not religious and skeptical that God exists seem to be especially skilled at sorting truth from lies. This is especially true regarding Christian Nationalism, religious extremism and conspiracy theories which they easily identify as lies. It is also a curious fact that non-religious people often do a much better job of obeying God’s commands about loving and caring for one another. Why non-religious people are able to discern truth from lies is not well-understood, but logical explanations could include, but are not limited to the following:
With these scriptural explanations in mind, we understand why so many people who are not actively religious seem to have an acute ability to know the difference between truth and lies in politics, good and evil, justice and injustice, conspiracy theories and truth. This is a necessary skill when confronting Christian Nationalism. In a country that identifies so strongly with religions that put their trust in the literal words of the bible, the ability of those who do not identify as Christians to discern lies from truth offers the best hope we have that Christian Nationalism can be overcome and democracy preserved. Opportunities for such hope grow as the numbers of religious dropouts continues unabated because, as people drop out of religion, their ability to discern truth from lies increases. Room for hope that unbelievers can be constructively involved in confrontations with Christian Nationalism is found in the story of Balaam and the donkey through whom God spoke. When we understand the symbolism of this story we learn that lack of belief in God is not an obstacle to God working through people to share truth. It is counterintuitive for Christians, atheists and agnostics to consider that lack of religious training, aversion to religious practices, and perhaps unbelief in God can be a useful asset when it comes to knowing truth and then sharing that truth in a constructive way. But this is exactly what we learn when we correctly interpret the symbolism of the story of Balaam. More hope for success is found in the fact that, as the population of ex-christians grows, more and more people are dropping out of church. See this link for more about this phenomenon. Religious people see his trend as a bad thing for God. It is bad for churches and religious leaders, but, in fact, people dropping out of church is a good thing for God because he is calling them out of religion so they will stop listening to religious leaders and start listening to his spoken voice. Since God is calling people out of religion, it is reasonable to expect that ex-christians have heard God’s voice somewhere in their transition out of religion. They did not hear his voice while religious because, while they were religious, they listened to the voices of religious leaders — not God. While they were religious, they were part of the problem but, now that they no longer practice religion, they, along with other religiously unaffiliated people, can be part of the solution as truthtellers. It is also reasonable to expect that the minds and hearts of these ex-christians have been cleansed a little or a lot from the lies they were taught while they were religious. That is why they now possess that critical ability to discern the difference between truth and lies in politics, good and evil, justice and injustice, conspiracy theories and biblical truth. They, along with people whose minds have never been muddled with religious lies, will be front-line defenders of democracy in the war against Christian Nationalism. Despite this trend of people dropping out of religion, the fact remains that religiously unaffiliated people are still in the minority in America according to The 2020 Census of American Religion. But that is not a problem for God as we learn in the story of Gideon who reduced his army from twenty-two thousand men down to three hundred. God does not need large numbers of truthtellers to change the hearts and minds of Christian Nationalists. What he needs is truthtellers who know how to discern between lies and truth and have the courage to share the truth they know. The number of truthtellers is inconsequential. What matters is the ability to know the difference between lies and truth and having courage to share truth. Religiously unaffiliated people might also like to know that God does not limit the dispensation of truth only to people who believe that he exists and practice some form of religion. This may be a hard fact to accept, but when it comes to changing the hearts and minds of Christian Nationalists, it is an encouraging fact to remember. Your beliefs are either gateways or obstacles to what God wants to do. He wants to defeat Christian Nationalism because everything about it violates his spiritual laws about how to love your neighbor. Religion that teaches obedience to literal interpretations of God’s laws is the problem. Recognizing the truth about Christian Nationalism and having courage to speak truth is a gateway to solving the problem of Christian Nationalism. Truth has the power to accomplish what social/political strategies cannot do: change hearts and minds. What this means for religiously unaffiliated people is this: If you think that religious extremists misrepresent God (if indeed God exists) and his ways because they interpret the bible wrongly (i.e., literally), and, if you think that symbolic interpretations of the bible accurately represent God (if he exists) and his ways, and, if you actively share those correct, symbolic interpretations with religious extremists so that they might know the truth about how to interpret the bible, then, your actions are gateways for changes of hearts and minds. In other words, it is belief in how the bible should be interpreted (i.e. literally or symbolically) that matters to God. The overriding truth that God wants us to share, whether we believe in him or not, is that the truth about him and his ways exists in symbolic bible interpretations – not in literal interpretations, and especially not in interpretations that result in religion. People who know the difference between truth and falsehood are not just smarter or wiser. Whether they know it or believe that it could be true, non-religious people actually hear God’s voice in their hearts. That is where their ability to discern truth from lies comes from. Needless to say, all hope for successful confrontation of Christian Nationalism depends on people who are commonly called “unbelievers” in the world of Christianity. Truth cannot be equated with religion. In fact, truth and religion do not mix because religions are based on lies and deceptions while every word that comes out of God’s mouth is truth. This means that truth telling must be done outside the realm of religion. This should be encouraging for unbelievers who are strongly averse to associations with religion. Believing that God exists or that he might speak to unbelievers if he does exist is not a condition for being a truth teller. Anyone who knows truth and has the courage to share it is qualified to expose lies and share truth. Candidates for the war against Christian Nationalism can prepare themselves for truth telling by reading the following pages and choosing which truths they want to expose and how to expose them as they invoke the power of truth to defeat Christian Nationalism.