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Confronting Christian Nationalism
Kinder, gentler strategies for achieving diversity, equity, inclusion and social unity
A Call to Action.
A Religious Civil War
A New Version of an Ongoing War.
Why We Need A New Strategy to Overcome Christian Nationalism.
A Strategic, Coordinated Offense is Needed to Defeat Christian Nationalism.
Change Hearts and Minds: The Only Way to Effect Lasting Change
Spiritual Warfare: What it is and is not.
Doable, Practical Strategies for Achieving Social and Political Unity: Love Your Neighbor As Yourself
Productive Strategies for Changing Hearts and Minds
Relating to Christian Nationalists.
Responding to the Things They Say and Do.
Unproductive Strategies for Changing Hearts and Minds
Opportunities for Atheists, Agnostics, Exevangelicals and Followers of Other Religions
Strategies for Truthtellers
Strategies for Politicians
Alerts to Truth Tellers to Report on Topical Issues
Know Your Enemy
How Movement Defines Itself.
What they Look Like and What they Say.
Their Religious Practices, Beliefs and Political Values.
Their Voting Habits.
Christian Nationalism in the News.
Books About Christian Nationalism.
The Achilles’ Heel of Christian Nationalism: Fear
Psychology and Biology of Fear
Fear Affects the Ability to Think Clearly
Fear Affects the Ability to Act Logically
How to Overcome Fear: Be A Truthteller
Truth: It’s Complicated
Truth is the Antidote for Lies
God’s Commands About Doing Justice for Others
God’s Commands About How to Relate to Him and to One Another.
What God Says About Evil, Deceptive Hearts.
Anti Immigration Attitudes and Behaviors Violate God’s Commands
What the Bible Says About Lies and Liars
Revenge is an Act of Hate — Not Love
Truth vs Lies
Dominionism Doctrines and Philosophy: Lies and Truth
Christian Nationalism Doctrines and Philosophy: Lies and Truth
Early American Religious History.
Learn from Exemplary Politicians.
George Washington:
George Washington’s Personality
George Washington’s Character
George Washington: A Moral Biography
Abraham Lincoln
Understanding the US Constitution.
Memorable Truth and Lies Quotations
Journalists & Scholars
Strategies for Journalists and Scholars
News Tips for Religion Journalists and Scholars
Fear and Anxiety: Christian Nationalism’s Achilles’ Heel
Psychology and Biology of Fear
Fear Affects the Ability to Think Clearly
Fear Affects the Ability to Act Logically
How to Overcome Fear: Be A Truthteller
Confronting Christian Nationalism
Relating to Christian Nationalists.
Your Attitude
Your Attitude