If we could see with clear historical hindsight, we would know that there is nothing new under the political sun. Lacking such hindsight, Christian Nationalists believe that democracy and their way of life is falling because liberal politicians are leading America in the wrong direction. This is a trope often used by Christian Nationalists to call adherents to join their cause.
Christian Nationalists’ fears convey that they are outsiders in a nation that is being overcome by foreigners and liberal elites. This is important for truthtellers to understand because it emphasizes the need to treat them with love and respect — not with disdain or ridicule. It is convenient for purposes of creating an offensive strategy to use the term “enemy” to describe them, but when it comes down to engaging with them, we must think of them as friends and family who need to be restored to wholeness — not as irredeemable enemies to be conquered.
They may not feel the same as most Americans about democracy, government, and some aspects of Christianity, but they still are Americans and, in their hearts, they believe they are patriots. Therefore, we should regard them as legitimate American citizens who enjoy all the rights afforded to them by the Constitution.
The most constructive and sympathetic attitudes we cano hold about Christian Nationalists is one that sees them to be like close friendw or family member who have fallen under the spell of a charismatic cult leader. Here are some of the challenges we face:
- For reasons we do not understand, they find real and tangible benefits to being part of the Christian Nationalism community.
- For reasons we do not understand, they are under the spell of charismatic religious/political leaders who are able to communicate sensitivity their insecurities and fears and are able to convince them that they are the only people who can provide security to them.
- For reasons we don’t understand, they are passionately holding on to their Christian Nationalism beliefs and community.
- For reasons we don’t understand, they are committed to the Christian Nationalism tribe and afraid to abandon it.
- For reasons we don’t understand, they have been suckered in by the smooth talk of politicians and religious leaders who promise peace to followers who give them money and vote for them.
Christian Nationalists are more like us than different from us. The main difference is that for reasons we do not understand, they strayed from friends and family to find security in the Christian Nationalism cult. What we do understand, however, is that they are victims of religious leaders who teach literal interpretations of the bible, false understandings of what it means to be a patriot, distortions of American history. and lies about liberal/progressive political leaders.
Christian Nationalists believe that people who do not share their political an religious beliefs and are not like them in terms of education, ethnicity and wealth are their enemies. Their enemies present existential threats to their tribe, influence, safety and security. This distrust creates divisions that will only increase if there is no intervention. The truthteller’s job is to close that gap, incrementally, one person at a time. That puts the onus on those of us who understand these fears and insecurities to understand Christian Nationalists and respectfully try to wean them off their inconsolable, destructive beliefs without creating more reasons for them to distrust us.
It is no secret that escape from a cult is difficult. That truth applies to Christian Nationalism just like it applies to any other cult. It is helpful to think of Christian Nationalists as victims of smooth-talking cult leaders who have brainwashed them through repetition of many lies that appeal to their personal insecurities. They embrace these lies because they promise comfort and resolution for their fears and insecurities. Any challenge to reject these lies creates an inner (i.e. heart) conflict that can only be overcome by loving, persistent, non-judgmental dosages of truth from someone who truly cares about them. ***
You can’t argue with what they believe in their hearts. , but maybe, if they trust you, and if you share the truth about the bible, the Constitution, history and the motives of liberal/progressive political leaderswith them, they may come to accept that what they believed about Christian Nationalism is based on lies. That awareness is the beginning of change in their hearts and minds.