God has two ways of dealing with his enemies. One way is active, and the second way is passive.
The passive strategy is the easiest one to understand: He does not interfere in man’s activities. This will be a hard fact for Jews and Christians to accept because they have always believed that God is an active agent in the world who takes initiatives to direct human events and even do miracles that change the physical world in one way or another. This wrong belief that exists because people interpret the bible literally — not symbolically.
STUDY TIP: See these links for understanding of literal and symbolic interpretation of the bible:
The truth is that God does only one kind of miracle. He changes evil impure hearts to clean pure hearts. That miracle is the active way that he deals with his enemies that will be discussed below.
Jews and Christians also believe that God gets involved in human affairs and the physical world in response to prayer and fasting. This wrong belief exists because of a wrong understanding of prayer.
STUDY TIP: See these links for the right understanding of prayer:
God’s passive approach to dealing with his enemies is to let them do the evil things that their hearts inspire them to do. His punishment for evil is living with the consequences of evil. The presence of evil, therefore, should be the motivation for people to check their hearts. If they see evil that they can’t understand or explain, it is because they do not understand evil.
Study tip: See this link for understanding of evil.
God’s active weapon for dealing with disobedient children is his spoken word. God’s spoken word is a two-edged sword that convicts people of sin and changes their hearts.
The sins of Christian Nationalists are many, including, but not limited to the following:
- How God Sees Religion
- Religion and Government
- Religion is Sin
- Religion is Idolatry
- Religion is the Enemy
- Religion is not Faith
- Pride, Arrogance, Boasting, Power and Humility
- Making a Name for Yourself
- Religion is a Stronghold of Wrong Thinking
- Religion is Commerce
- Religion is Deception
- Religion is Injustice, Slavery, Oppression and Affliction
- Third Commandment
- Fourth Commandment
- Sixth Commandment: Murder
It is necessary to understand that God’s idea of sin is not what religious people think. People typically think of sin in terms of deeds of the flesh (i.e. morality) and the Ten Commandments. Standards for morality change from one culture to another, but God’s standard for sin is the condition of the heart.
God actively deals with sinners by correcting them when they break his spiritual laws which are all about Loving Your Neighbor as Yourself. He does this by speaking to their hearts. People who hear God’s voice speaking truth about the condition of their hearts are grieved about the way their sins hurt others. When they repent for the harms they have done to others, God changes their hearts. Then their hearts and the world become more peaceful.
People who practice listening to God’s voice in their hearts are receptive to his correction. People who have hardened their hearts to correction cannot hear his voice. We can be sure that God is already speaking truth about these sins to the hearts Christian Nationalists, but they can’t hear his voice because they have hard hearts.
God speaks to human hearts in a unique language that Christian Nationalists do not understand. God’s remedy for these problems is to send humans who speak in human languages to interpret God’s words into human language that Christian Nationalists can understand.
God’s spoken word is truth. Any human person who hears God’s words knows the truth and can speak the truth. For convenience, these people can be called truthtellers.
STUDY TIP: It is not necessary that truthtellers practice religion or even believe in God to love their neighbor.
What happens after truthtellers speak truth is up to God. The truth will break through the hard hearts of some people but not others. There is no way of knowing who will hear and who won’t. But what is known is that religious extremists like Christian Nationalists will not hear the truth unless someone who knows the truth speaks it to them. This is the essence of the Strategies for Truthtellers who choose to Confront Christian Nationalism. This strategy is explained in Truth is the Antidote for Lies.