For a variety of reasons, it is not likely that religion journalists, scholars, organizations and media will quickly choose to become activists who report the disconnects between Christian Nationalists’ professed biblical beliefs and their behaviors. This is predictable because truth tellers always pay a price when they confront religious communities. We only need to look at the plots against Jesus  by religious leaders to understand these dynamics. Jesus’ crucifixion symbolically  represents the rejection, persecution and tribulation that truthtellers will experience when they  speak truth to religious people. It is not a picture that compels activism, but sincere, motivated truth tellers will sacrifice their own interests with the expectation that truth will overcome lies and fear.

Truth tellers understand that truth is the only weapon that has the power to overcome the lies Christian Nationalists believe and act on. They also understand that lies and fear are threats to  American democracy. These understandings motivate them to be truth tellers regardless of the personal costs they will endure.

With all this in mind, religion journalists, scholars, organizations and media are invited to report truth as they see fit to their constituencies. Each invitation is delivered through an email or a social media post. The content of those invitations appear as News Tips for journalists and scholars.