Christian Nationalists believe that their Seven Mountain dominionism strategy to take over all corners of American culture will hasten the “end of days” also called the “second coming” of Jesus. This event is also equated with a religious doctrine called the End Times. Because these doctrines are based on the literal words of the bible, they are lies with respect to the truth found in the symbolic meanings of those words.
See the links below for understanding of those symbolic meanings:
When we understand bible symbolism, we understand that sharing truth about bible symbolism is an act that accelerates the end of religion for an individual. The “end times” concept is not a one-time, global event as is commonly taught in church. The end times of religion for individuals is what happens when individuals stop believing religious lies and start believing the truth found in the symbolism of the literal words on which those lies are based. Knowledge of that symbolism becomes truth that erodes the power of the lies religious people have been taught. It is this truth that sets people free from Christian Nationalism beliefs and behaviors. It is this truth that has the power to preserve American democracy.
The timing of the end of religion for an individual depends on the measure of each individual’s pride and willingness to be humbled with the awareness of the truth about their religion. Therefore, when we share truth with Christian Nationalists, we are effectively accelerating the end of the time, or period, of Old Covenant religion — which includes Christian Nationalism — that God does not want in that religious person’s life. Concurrently, they are raptured into a new, non-religious period called the New Covenant that God does want. God calls this transition from Old Covenant religion to New Covenant relationship with him a process of being “born again” with a new heart.
People who have made this transition know that hearts and minds fixed on religion do not change quickly or easily. Therefore, we should not expect Christian Nationalists to die to their religious beliefs without a fight.
Our job as truthtellers is to keep shooting arrows and tossing stones of truth with the firm belief that God will do his part to change hearts and minds if we do our job. But we must not be naïve about the risks and difficulty involved when we discretely share truth with people who do not want to hear what we have to say. When we tell them the truth about their religion, we are intruders in their echo chambers that reinforce and affirm the lies they believe. That effectively makes us their enemies — a truth we already knew.
The challenge is the same as the one faced when lovingly and patiently helping someone detoxify from deceptions taught by a charismatic cult leader, or like trying to convince someone to change their politics or religion. It is hard because they sincerely believe in their hearts and minds that their cultic religion and politics are biblical and affirmed by God. If we are not respectful of the origins and depths of these beliefs, we will make enemies instead of friends.