If you believe that changing hearts and minds is possible, consider this strategy:

  1. We who recognize the threats of religious extremism agree to mobilize and collaborate to disable Christian Nationalism and religious oppression in all its forms. 
  2. We agree to use our respective formal and informal social platforms to expose the lies that Cristian Nationalists believe about God and the bible and share the truths about God and the bible that overcome the destructive power of those lies.
  3.  We discretely recruit conscientious, zealous truthtellers like us to use their social platforms to share the truth about the false beliefs that inspire and motivate religious extremists.

At its core, the strategy is really quite simple. The complicated part is the execution: what to share, with whom to share and when to share it. These are tactics with which you experiment and experiences from which you learn.

Possible social platforms include, but are not limited to the following:

    • Watercooler conversations
    • Over the back fence conversations
    • Posts on social media platforms
    • Bible study groups
    • Comments on articles posted in social media
    • Private conversations at bars, restaurants and coffee shops
    • Any other place people talk.

Basically, sharing can happen anytime and anywhere you communicate with people you think might be open to hearing your thoughts/feelings about lies and truth relevant to Christian Nationalism. The opportunities are limitless.

Regarding what to share, the links below found in Confronting Christian Nationalism are good places to begin.

Since the basic premise of Confronting Christian Nationalism is exposing lies that Christian Nationalists believe that are based on the literal bible, at some point truthtellers will want to learn about and share other erroneous teachings based on the literal bible that influence Christian Nationalism doctrines. Links below are good places to begin exploring those lies.

Of course, this is not a definitive list of truth/lies issues. Truthtellers are internally motivated to pursue their instincts to discover lies and corresponding truths that they believe pose problems to American democracy, well-being and freedoms. Truthtellers may choose to share these issues for publication in Confronting Christian Nationalism where they will be posted in the Category “Truthtellers’ Corner” in the left-hand sidebar titled Post Categories. Contributions to “Lies and Truths” should be sent to paul.borene@thewaywesee.com. Truthteller’s Corner can also be a place for sharing personal experiences/struggles/successes in sharing truth.

Whenever truthtellers talk about lies and truth with Christian Nationalists, they should be prepared to receive adverse reactions. This is what usually happens when we challenge someone’s religious beliefs or politics. This is exactly what happened to Jesus when he spoke the truth to Israel. Some listened, but many did not listen, and some were angry enough about the things Jesus said to want to have him killed. In other words, it is good to keep in mind that truth telling is risky. 

This kind of reaction will not dissuade truthtellers from sharing truth because the realities of these kinds of truths are not quickly or easily grasped. It’s a process – not a quick fix. We don’t know when the truth will begin to sink into hearts and minds. It could take years, or it may never happen. It is useful to remember, therefore, that when you challenge religious truths, you expose religious pride that can be overcome only when religious people humble themselves to acknowledge that they have believed and promoted lies. When this happens, and it will happen, it is always necessary to focus on the benefits of truth telling. America’s democratic way of life depends on it.