- People whose hearts are not hardened to hear God’s spoken voice report what they hear to people who do have hard hearts.
- Lies and deceptions are weak foundations on which to build a movement, run a business, lead a family or administer a government.
- Every lie Christian Nationalists believe exposes its spiritual weakness.
- Every lie exposes a belief that can be successfully overcome with truth. Since the roots of Christian Nationalists’ lies are found in the literal words of the bible, the truth that overcomes the lies is found in the symbolic meanings of those words.
- A successful strategy for confronting Christian Nationalism is one that reports the symbolic meanings of the scriptures that Christian Nationalists have perverted to support their political goals. This leaves them open to spiritual warfare that attacks their weakness.
- Speak truth to them with truth for which they have no prepared defense. They have learned rhetoric that equips them to defend their political beliefs, but they have not been trained to defend their religious beliefs. Unless their hearts are exceedingly hard, they will have no defense against the following truths:
- The challenge in telling truth to change hearts and minds is the same as lovingly and patiently detoxifying someone who has been deceived by a charismatic cult leader, or like trying to convince someone to change their politics or religion, or to quit smoking or drinking.
- Truthtellers will most likely receive adverse reactions when they share these truths. This kind of reaction should not dissuade anyone from sharing truth because the realities of these kinds of truths are not quickly or easily grasped. It’s a process – not a quick fix. We don’t know when the truth will begin to sink into hearts and minds. It could take years or days, or not at all. When it happens to each individual is up to God. Our job is to just share the truths again and again, whenever it seems right to do so, with the firm belief that God will do his part changing hearts and minds when we tell the truth.