Before discussing the relationship of hearts and minds with respect to confronting Christian Nationalism, it is instructive to review the physical, behavioral and emotional relationships of hearts, minds and behaviors. Medical science reports the following differences between physical hearts and minds:

    • Heart:
      • A muscular organ located in the chest cavity
      • Primary function: Pumping blood throughout the body
      • Composed of cardiac muscle tissue
    •  Brain/mind
      • A complex neural organ located in the skull
      • Primary functions: Cognitive processing, emotional regulation, decision-making; generating thoughts, emotions, and consciousness
      • Composed of billions of neurons and supporting cells
      • Contains multiple regions with specialized functions

Medical science also reports that there are clear intricate, bidirectional, functional relationship between hearts, minds and behaviors.

    •  The brain controls the heart through the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which comprises:
      • The sympathetic nervous system (SNS)
      • The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS)
      • These systems work together to regulate heart rate, blood pressure, and other vital functions
    • The heart possesses its own intrinsic nervous system, often referred to as the “heart brain.” This system communicates with the brain, influencing emotional processing and higher cognitive functions
    • The heart produces and releases neurotransmitters and hormones (Oxytocin, Dopamine, Serotonin) that affect brain activity and influence emotions, mood, and social bonding
    •  The variation in time intervals between heartbeats (HRV), is a key indicator of ANS (autonomic nervous system) health and balance. High HRV is associated with good emotional regulation and stress resilience, while low HRV (heart rate variability) is linked to anxiety, depression, and cardiovascular diseases
    • Cardiovascular health significantly impacts cognitive function:
    • Adequate blood flow is crucial for brain health, delivering oxygen and nutrients.
    • Cardiovascular risk factors like hypertension, high cholesterol, and obesity are linked to increased risk of cognitive decline and dementia.

We learn from these scientific facts that the heart-brain connection plays a vital role in emotional experiences, thinking and behaviors. The heart’s network of sensory neurons and neurotransmitters contributes to our emotional state and shapes our perceptions of the world. Understanding these functional relationships between the heart and mind is crucial for developing comprehensive health strategies and potentially reducing rates of both cardiovascular and cognitive/behavioral disorders. And these scientific facts also help us understand why healthy spiritual hearts and minds are necessary to changes in unhealthy thoughts and behaviors of Christian Nationalists.

It is interesting to notice that the bible reports many relationships between spiritual hearts and minds. The words “heart” and “mind ” are common terms in the bible with the New International Version (NIV) mentioning the word “heart” more than 500 times and the King James Version (KJV) heart more than 800 times. The word “mind” appears less often with over 95 verses in most English translations.

The bible often combines heart and mind in single verses that also include the concept of soul. This reveals that spiritual hearts, minds and souls are symbolic terms with complex, interrelated interpretations that merit investigation.

Needless to say, the spiritual connections to mind, heart and soul are as complex as the connections between physical minds and hearts. It is not surprising, therefore, that God uses mind/heart/soul to symbolize how complex humans are. These complex connections are revealed in these links:

People who sincerely desire to confront the plague of Christian Nationalism do well to understand that these complex relationships exist. Lacking such understanding, they will make the mistake of seeking simple, human solutions to social and political divisions that trouble America. Perplexity ai reports the following human solutions that have been proposed:

    • Listen First Approach: Organizations like the Listen First Project emphasize the importance of listening to understand, rather than to respond or argue. This approach encourages people to be curious about others’ perspectives instead of being dogmatic about their own views.
    • Creating Safe Spaces for Conversation: Many bridge-building organizations facilitate workshops and events where people with different political views can engage in respectful dialogue. These spaces allow participants to find common ground and build interpersonal trust.
    • Independent Redistricting Commissions: Implementing nonpartisan commissions to draw voting districts can lead to more competitive elections, less extreme legislators, and better representation
    • Media Reform: Some initiatives focus on depolarizing news reporting, such as Solutions Journalism, which aims to present a more balanced view of issues
    • Community Action: Encouraging bipartisan groups to work together on shared local concerns can help build bridges across political divides
    • Education and Awareness: Programs that help people recognize their own biases and understand the perspectives of others can contribute to reducing polarization
    • Congressional Reforms: Efforts like the Select Committee for the Modernization of Congress have proposed changes to reduce partisan enmity in Washington, such as altering how new representatives are introduced to their roles
    • Promoting Political Courage: Initiatives like the Political Courage Challenge encourage citizens to engage with bipartisan groups and work on polarizing civic issues. By implementing these solutions, organizations and individuals hope to create a more unified and collaborative political and social environment in America, replacing the “us versus them” mentality with a problem-solving approach.

While well-intended organizations work hard to promote unity, Christian Nationalists have successfully hindered their efforts because they are not interested in unity. Even though God has made it very clear to anyone who will listen that unity is his highest goal, everything they say and do is focused on Christian Nationalism values. They actually see people who do not share their values as the enemy whom they want to defeat with spiritual warfare and other nefarious strategies. They refuse to talk seriously or constructively with people who are not like them. But the real reason that the solutions listed above do not work is that they look to change behaviors and minds while ignoring the fact that the real problem is the conditions of their hearts. Behaviors will not change, nor can they change permanently, unless hearts and minds change.

It is impossible to overestimate the significance of the spiritual heart. In fact, it could be said of God that he places all his attention on the heart. The spiritual heart is as elementary to spiritual life as the physical heart is to physical life. Furthermore, because hearts and minds are closely connected, we know that a healthy spiritual life depends on a healthy spiritual mind.

These spiritual facts explain why all of God’s words and all of his miracles are focused on the heart. They also explain why all successful efforts to confront Christian Nationalism must also focus on the heart.

NOTE: It is critical to mention at this point that heart change has nothing to do with religion or even belief in God. See RELIGIOSITY IS NOT A QUALIFICATION FOR TRUTHTELLERS for understanding of how anyone — including people who do not believe in God can be useful in the challenge to change hearts and minds.

Permanent heart change is not a political strategy. Political strategies focus on the short-term need to attract enough votes that put a candidate in office. Heart change provides for lasting, good government. Which is the better strategy is not up for debate by anyone who really cares about people and a stable, democratic government. Here are some of the qualities of hearts that have been changed:

Cristian Nationalists have a warped view of what God wants them to do. Their view is that God wants them to have dominion over others. They do not understand that all of God’s laws are designed to achieve unity of all people through godly love and justice. Dominionism is the antithesis of love and justice.

When we see hearts and the idea of changing hearts and minds the way God sees them, we will understand that the entire bible is devoted to heart change — not to religion. And the reason for heart change is to achieve unity. It is a simple process:

  1. People with changed hearts love their neighbors
  2. People with changed hearts pursue justice for their neighbors.
  3. People with changed hearts live in unity.
  4. People with changed hearts create governments that do not show favoritism or partiality for anyone.

When we see hearts the way God sees them, we will have all the incentive we need to pursue a spiritual, heart change strategy to confront Christian Nationalism.

When Americans buy into the heart and mind strategy, truth tellers will employ Productive Strategies for Changing Hearts and Minds to achieve lasting change in all aspects (i.e. social, political, government, religious, economic, education, etc.) of American culture. Doable, Common Sense Strategies for Achieving Political and Social Unity shows that these are the matters God really cares about.  But we can’t appreciate why he would care so much until we see hearts the way he does.

See this link for an introduction to God’s view of hearts. Then come back to this page for ideas on how to change hearts and minds of Christian Nationalists and other rogue leaders around the world who cause injustice, pain and death to oppress the people they should be providing for and protecting.