Christian Nationalism is not an idle, static threat. It is a cancer that kills in a slow, painful, ugly way. Cancer is a disease that results from uncontrolled growth and division of abnormal cells. The body in which this is happening is America. The abnormal cells are Christian Nationalists. The name of the cancer is Christian Nationalism.

A small, motivated team of Christians and politicians has been quietly, but effectively executing a multi-pronged strategy to overcome American democracy for more than sixty years. Worse yet, this deathly cancer threatens plans to take over religions and government and democratic institutions around the world. It is no overstatement to suggest that Christian Nationalism is an emerging, pandemic-like threat to everyone — including those who are religious and those who are not religious.

Tangible evidence of this cancerous disease is a divided American body and erosion of democratic institutions observed while the cancer of Christian Nationalism metastasizes its way through American culture and politics. For lack of effective interventions, the cancer has grown in the American body without challenge — except through politics, which is a weak, ineffective antidote to a religious movement. Neither prayer, nor political activism, or changes in government leadership can neutralize or cure a religious movement. The only serum that has the potential to cure Christian Nationalism is truth.

With all this in mind, Confronting Christian Nationalism has four goals:

      1. Educate those who are ignorant about Christian Nationalism about the movement.
      2. Expose the strategies Christian Nationalists use to accomplish their goals.
      3. Inspire Americans to rise up with righteous indignation to confront the Christian Nationalism movement.
      4. Inform Americans about truth-telling strategies they can employ to confront and disable the Christian Nationalism movement.
      5. Supply truth-tellers with ammunition (i.e., truth) that they can use against the Christian Nationalism movement.‎

Readers who don’t know much, or anything, about Christian Nationalism would do well to study this Confronting Christian Nationalism website thoroughly. Hopefully, readers who have their eyes and hearts open to truth and who value democracy and freedom will be motivated become activists against the Christian Nationalism movement.

See A Call to Action for more about getting involved.