Everything Christian Nationalists believe and do is based on lies. Their beliefs are so strong that most of them can’t/won’t be convinced by logic and reason that they believe lies.
The challenge is like that of helping someone get free from a cult. It takes time, love and lots of truth. Here is what perplexity ai says about helping someone get free from a cult:
Helping someone leave a cult requires a delicate and compassionate approach. Here are some key points on assisting someone to exit a cultic group:
Maintain an open and non-judgmental attitude. Avoid criticizing their beliefs as this can push them further away. Instead, ask questions that encourage critical thinking.
Suggest they take a temporary break from the group to get an outside perspective. Physical separation, even briefly, can weaken the cult’s undue influence.
Connect them with supportive resources like counselors, exit coaches, and former members who left the same group. This provides a safe sounding board and relatable guidance.
Empower their autonomy. Don’t attempt to deprogram or force them out, as this can backfire. They must ultimately make the choice to leave themselves.
After exiting, provide a “landing pad” – a stable living situation, access to counseling, and reintegration assistance to rebuild their life outside the cult.
Be patient. Leaving a cult is psychologically grueling. The indoctrination runs deep, so recovery can take years with support every step of the way.
The key is creating a supportive environment where they can gradually break free of the cult’s undue influence at their own pace, aided by professionals and loved ones.
Truthtellers who hope to help Christian Nationalists escape from the movement would do well to follow the principles recommended above while always remembering that Christian Nationalism is not just a political movement. It is also a religious movement whose nefarious strength exists in the relationships of members — not in its beliefs. Therefore, the fears that burden Christian Nationalists are compounded with new fears that they will imagine if they leave the safety and security of the movement. These are very real existential fears that have the power to keep them faithful to the movement — even if doubts about it creep into their minds and hearts.
Ultimately, truth is the only resource that enables freedom from lies. Here is what perplexity ai says about lies and truth:
Truth is the antidote for lies.
Lying creates a burdensome web of deceit that binds us and limits our freedom, while embracing truth liberates us from these constraints. Telling the truth allows us to make decisions based on accurate information and self-awareness, freeing us to pursue our goals authentically.
Lying, even to ourselves through self-deception, weakens our character and makes us vulnerable when faced with adversity. Betraying ourselves by acting out lies trains us to tolerate things we disagree with, leading to bitterness and avoidance of personal responsibility.
The mental effort required to create and communicate plausible lies is taxing and lies often fail due to the liar’s inability to maintain a consistent fabricated story over time. Truth, on the other hand, is inherently consistent and requires no such mental strain.
While no universal signs of deception exist, lying often manifests in subtle nonverbal cues that can betray the liar, whereas truthful communication tends to be more natural and congruent.
In essence, lies entangle us in webs of deceit, undermine our character, and require constant mental effort to maintain, while truth sets us free, strengthens our integrity, and aligns our words and actions with reality.
Truth is the antidote that counters the corrosive effects of falsehood and deception.