- Born and raised in Montevideo,MN
- ‘59-’60: Gustavus Adolphus college
- ‘60-’61: Lost, without direction; lived with uncle in Minneapolis
- ‘61-’62: Dunwoody Institute (Minneapolis) — Studied surveying
- ‘62-’63: Surveyor for MN Highway Department in St. Paul
- ‘63: Met Barb; joined Army (stationed in France)
- ‘65: Back Home from Army; reconnected with Barb; back to work at Hwy Dept. in St. Paul.
- ‘66: Married Barb; lived in trailer home in North Minneapolis; worked for Highway Department; Night school at U of M
- ‘67-’71: Full time at U of M; Pre-engineering and Architecture
- ‘70-’75: Worked for Surveying, Engineering and Architecture firms in Twin Cities.
- ‘75: Moved to Willmar for job as a Regional Planner with Regional Development Commission.
- ‘77: Barb and I started a bookstore in downtown Willmar. I started a new Job with a Community Action Agency (a non-profit that helps low income families). At various times I was the Director of Housing, Assistant Director, and Executive Director of the agency. ‘93: I quit my job and went to work with Barb in the bookstore in a new location in the Kandi Mall in Willmar.
- ‘98: Started a restaurant in Willmar in partnership with five other couples.
- ‘01: Closed the bookstore. Started selling books from home.
- ‘01-’07: Did accounting for the restaurant. Odd jobs and volunteer work. Sold restaurant in ‘05. Worked for Battered Women’s Shelter ‘04-’06 as Director of Communications and Fund Development.
- In ’06, Barb and I remodeled the interior of old house in Minneapolis for son and his wife.
- ‘07-’08: Part time work as Guardian Ad Litem; Volunteer work: Women’s Shelter; Habitat for Humanity; Circle Sentencing Restorative Justice Program; Mentoring; Began addition to our Willmar home; Heavy duty grand-parenting.
- ’09 to present: More grand-parenting, volunteering (Hospice, Teach English as a second language to East Africans), mentoring, beekeeping in our backyard, home remodeling, reading, website development, shooting pool, bonsai; growing orchids, gardening, and writing.
- ’16 to ’19: Work as a part-time field representative for the US Census Bureau.
- 2019 to present: Fully retired.