The primary indicator of New Covenant disciples is the ability the hear God’s spoken voice. Religion teaches nothing about how to do this because religion is based on religious rules taught by men. Because religious leaders do not know how to hear God’s spoken voice, they do not teach others how to listen for themselves. If they did teach others to listen for themselves, they would destroy the personal kingdoms and money making institutions they have created for themselves. New Covenant disciples, however, no longer need religious leaders to teach them about God because God teaches them about himself and his ways directly. This speaking/hearing relationship is the essence of the New Covenant.
But the ability does not come easily — especially to religionists whose habit is to listen to religious leaders. There is a certain amount of unlearning that must happen before God will open their spiritual eyes and ears to hear his spoken voice. What religionists know they have learned while they were disciples of false prophets. Things they have learned have been intoxicated with strongholds of wrong thinking that are difficult, but not impossible to destroy.
Here are a few rules of thumb to consider when trying to discern if we have heard God’s voice or not:
- When people first hear God’s voice, it will be like a foreign language to them. They will not be able to understand what he is saying because they have hard hearts.
- People will only be able to hear and understand after they turn from their idolatry and stop listening to the voices of false prophets (i.e. religious leaders).
- When God says “hear the word of the Lord“, he is talking about hearing his spiritual voice — not listening to any human who claims to speak for God in verbal or written language.
- Hearing can come at any time in any location.
- Hearing God’s voice does not happen only in special buildings or places that are considered to be holy or sacred.
- Hearing will not come to people who are busy with religious activities, but does come to people who fast and rest from religion.
- God’s voice explains the meanings of Biblical mysteries, dark sayings, proverbs and riddles, figures of speech, enigmas and difficult problems, shadows, types and patterns, and symbols, signs and allegories.
- Only New Covenant disciples can reliably hear God’s voice because God speaks to their hearts with his spirit.
- Old/First Covenant religionists will hear one main message: Come out of religion and listen to God’s voice.
- God’s voice is discernible only to people who expect to see with their spiritual eyes and ears and do not expect to gain understanding through use of their natural, physical abilities (i.e. eyes, ears, intellect/mind).
- God’s speaks only to people who do not listen to false prophets (i.e. Old/First Covenant religious leaders).
- God voice gives understanding to the mysteries of the literal Bible. It explains, and connects seemingly unrelated parts of the Bible that we do not understand because we cannot relate them to each other using our natural, intellectual minds.
- It explains the symbolic meaning of the literal words of the Bible.
- It explains the spiritual meanings of dark sayings, proverbs and riddles, figures of speech, words of the wise and riddles, dreams and visions, enigmas and difficult problems, shadows, types and patterns, and symbols, signs and allegories that we we cannot interpret and understand with our natural, human minds.
- God’s voice spiritually connects the pieces of the incomprehensible Bible puzzle that we do not understand into comprehensible images that we do understand, and integrates them into the big picture of who God is and how he relates to his people.
- When God opens the eyes of New Covenant disciples to see how pieces of the Bible puzzle are connected, and explains their spiritual meaning, disciples experience an “aha” moment that causes them to tremble with awe in appreciation that God has revealed a spiritual mystery to them with his spiritual voice.
- God’s voice may not come all at once in a complete, fully formed, comprehensive revelation. It will more likely come in bits and pieces of smaller, incomplete revelations that make no intellectual sense until they are linked together as in the assembly of a puzzle. The linking occurs, however, only for people who diligently search for related links that will complete that portion of the puzzle.
- Only people who are like little children, full of questions, who ask God — not false prophets — to explain the spiritual meanings of scripture, may expect to hear his voice.
- God will reveal spiritual mysteries only to people who assume that God has planted mysteries in the Bible and expect that God will reveal the interpretations of those mysteries.
- God will reveal mysteries only to people who apply what they learn in their own lives.
- We will actually hear God’s voice before we recognize it as his voice. It will first be like a goad/prick to our heart that creates doubt about our religious beliefs and practices.
- We will probably not understand or believe what we have heard when we first hear it because what God tells us about how to interpret scripture and religion is contrary to what we have been taught by religion. Religion teaches how to interpret scripture literally, while God teaches how to interpret it symbolically.
- Our eyes are opened when we interpret scripture that we thought we understood in a totally new way. The literal words are still the same, but our spiritual understandings of those words are totally different.
- God’s voice will be heard and understood by people who are humble enough to admit that the doctrines they believe and the religion they practice are not, or may not, be in perfect agreement with spiritual truth that comes from God’s voice.
- God’s voice will be heard and understood by people who are like little children who are not wise in their own eyes because they are proud of their intellectual understanding of the literal meanings of the Bible.
- God’s voice can be heard only by people who ask, seek and knock so they might understand the wisdom of God that is hidden in the mysteries.
- God’s word is his spoken word — not just words written in the Bible.
- The spirit of God’s voice will bring personal enlightenment on three basic matters of the heart:
- God’s voice is like a whisper of gentle wind, but also like wind, thunder and lightning.
- God’s voice is perceived like another language (i.e. tongue) that has not been heard before but is understood with the heart.
- It cannot easily be interpreted into human language.
- It causes a trembling in the heart that is like an earthquake.
- It is like the sound of many waters and like the sound of harpists playing on their harps.
- God’s voice resonates as truth in our hearts (i.e. spirits) like thunder and enlightens our spirits like lightning flashes of truth that we cannot anticipate and can’t quite believe we have seen/heard because it happens so fast.
- God’s voice registers as understanding of truth in the heart.
- God’s voice registers in our heart as an “aha” moment in which the spiritual meanings of scripture are made clear.
- When we hear God’s voice explain scripture that we thought we knew in a new and different way, it inspires great awe and gratitude that he would disclose such truth to us. We sense that we have been blessed that God would reveal to us truth that is totally different from lies we previously believed.
- God’s voice comes to us when we are in a dream-like state when our heart is exclusively open to hearing him.
- God’s voice is more like a vision with images than of clearly articulated human words.
- God’s voice is like a whisper of one standing behind us telling us the way to walk (i.e. choose life instead of death).
- God’s voice is ephemeral. When it comes, it is more like an impression of truth than it is of actual words that can be organized into a thought or statement. It arouses a feeling of awe that words cannot describe but which is very real and tangible in the heart/spirit.
- God’s voice teaches us a totally new (i.e. spiritual) way of interpreting scripture. When we understand the spiritual meaning of scripture, will are humbled for the fact that our earlier understanding was so wrong. We will be humbled and ashamed for having listened to and believed false prophets who taught us out of the imaginations of their hearts as a way to earn an income that we financed.
- Since God’s word teachers us how to know the difference between good and evil, we will be very glad and very appreciative for every insight that leads us away from religion and toward God.
- God’s voice refreshes us like rain that makes us grow spiritually.
- God’s spoken voice has the quality of a spiritual revelation that shakes us so much that we become like a dead person unable to speak. We are at first unable to put what we have heard into human words with which we can report what we have heard to others.
- Hearing God’s voice is an awesome event. The first few times it happens, you know in your heart that you have heard it but still can’t quite accept that the one, true, living God has actually spoken to you.
- When hearing God’s voice becomes common, any doubt you had about whether you have heard God’s voice or not is replaced with an overwhelming sense of being blessed because Biblical references to “blessing” always refer to hearing God’s voice and following his commandments.
- God’s voice is a consuming fire that, if heard, purifies the hearer from participating in the sin of religion.
- Every time we hear his voice we will be inspired to disengage from Old/First Covenant religion in favor of becoming a New Covenant disciple.
- The more we hear God’s voice, the more we are inspired to study so that we can hear his voice more often and more clearly.
- The more we hear God’s voice the more we are inspired to share with others (i.e. teach) what we hear so that they might also learn how to hear God’s voice and receive salvation from the sin of religion.
- Hearing God’s voice inspires great thankfulness and appreciation for delivering us from bondage to religion.
- When we have heard God’s voice explain scripture to us, we are inspired to share and teach what we have heard with people who are still enslaved to religion.
- After we have heard God’s voice explain the symbolic meaning of scripture, we are highly motivated to study more with the expectation that he will speak new truths to our hearts again and again.
- Hearing God’s voice is a combination of tasting, seeing and hearing in our hearts that satisfies our need/desire to know that he exists and loves us.
- The words that come from God’s lips communicate his deep, sensual love for us when he shares the meanings of deep mysteries to us.
Of course these human words are inadequate attempts to explain totally spiritual events (i.e. hearing God’s voice). These human words are, nonetheless, useful guides to understanding when the event of hearing God’s voice has occurred.
STUDY TIP: Even though the Bible is full of dark sayings, proverbs and riddles, figures of speech, words of the wise and riddles, dreams and visions, enigmas, difficult problems, shadows, types and patterns, and symbols, signs and allegories, there are parts of the Bible that may be trusted literally.
Learning how to know which parts are to be taken symbolically and which parts are to be take literally is the big challenge for Bible students/disciples/learners. But it is not a challenge that is conquered by sheer will and human effort. Understanding is a gift from God.
It is impossible to instruct anyone about how to know which parts are to be taken symbolically and which are to be taken literally. Knowing, or not knowing, depends on God alone who gives us spiritual eyes to see what we read and spiritual ears to hear his voice tell us how to interpret what we read. This is the art of hearing God’s voice.
The main condition that prepares us to hear God’s voice is that we stop listening to the voices of false prophets. When God says “listen to my voice” and “hear the word of the lord” he doesn’t mean just listen, he also means listen to his voice and hear his spoken word exclusively. People who aspire to spiritual holiness would do well to regard these statements from God as commandments on a par with the Ten Commandments that make the way for seeing and hearing with spiritual eyes and ears.
Everything written above pertains to God speaking directly to people. in spiritual language. It must be said, however, that God also speaks through True Prophets, Angels, Messiahs, High Priests and Model Warriors in human language.
When these people speak, they will use human language to interpret God’s spiritual language just like Jesus did. And yet, their verbal presentation of truth will be very much like God’s presentation.
The tricky part of listening to human teachers is discerning between true prophets and false prophets. True prophets speak for God, while false prophets speak out of their own evil imaginations.
STUDY TIPS: See Checklist for Identifying True Prophets and Tips for Identifying False Prophets.