Now that we have discussed the function of a prophet and discussed false prophets, it is time to look at true prophets. Here is a checklist that will help identify them:


This checklist is useful for evaluating anyone who presumes to speak for God or teach others about God. If all of these qualities are not present, anyone who presumes to speak for God or teach about God may be rightly judged as a false prophet and not a  true prophet.

In particular, the checklist should be used to evaluate pastors, priests, rabbis, elders, bishops, and all others who have reputations as spiritual spokespersons, writers and teachers. After such an evaluation, all religious leaders will be found to be lying, false prophets who wrongly dispense their judgements (i.e. opinions) about God’s laws in exchange for a financial reward.

STUDY TIP: See this link for clues that help evaluation of false prophets: