Prayer ***
Religious people pray about anything and everything. Here is a short list of things they will pray for:
It is hard to accept, but focus on these and other worldly needs contradicts what Jesus said about our first priority: Seeking first the kingdom of God and righteousness ( for self and others). Not surprisingly, this priority is fulfilled in Jesus’ teaching about how to pray as recorded in The Lord’s Prayer.
Seeking the kingdom of God and the Lord’s Prayer are identical. These two terms focus exclusively on the spiritual issue of the heart. Neither term can be interpreted to include any of the prayer topics/issues mentioned in the above list. These topics and issues are all matters of the world which can be seen. They are not matters of faith which cannot be seen. The condition of the heart is a matter of faith because only God knows the heart.
The issues that people typically pray for are issues that they observe with their natural eyes and ears. ***
See The World for understanding of the kingdom which God’s kingdom will displace and which should be the desire of our hearts to be displaced and replaced with God’s kingdom.
Instead of praying for worldly, physical needs, therefore, we should be praying for God’s kingdom to be established in the hearts of Old/First Covenant religionists. In other words, we should be praying for the end of religion because religion is sin and we should be praying that captives to religion would be set free because religion is injustice, oppression and slavery.
Praying for worldly, physical needs also is inconsistent with Jesus’ teachings about how to pray and what to pray for in the Lord’s Prayer.
STUDY TIP: See Kingdom of Heaven and Cities, Kingdoms and Nations for understanding of the kingdom of God.