Another reason Tebow cares about the attention he receives is the fact that people who admire (i.e. worship) him are likely to purchase products (books, clothing, etc.) with his name on them and some will invite him to speak for a fee at conferences. Every time he does his religious showoff routine, on or off the field, people are watching. It is free advertising that causes the people who love him to love him more. And the more they love him, the more likely they are to purchase his products and speaking services.

Many will say that there is nothing wrong with using personal fame to make a living. That may be true for some celebrities, but it is not true for Christians or Jews. Using religious behaviors and speech for self-serving purposes offends God. Such behavior violates the Third Commandment.

Even people who do not worship the god that Tebow worships understand that this is not right. Too bad Tebow’s many friends don’t see this. Even though he uses Jesus’ name and God’s name freely, he violates scriptures that talk about Jesus being greater than his disciples.

It is generally accepted that Tim Tebow has athletic talent. If he had just played sports and capitalized on his talent with product endorsements and products carrying his name, there would be no need to write about him. But he crossed an important spiritual line when he began branding himself as a Christian.  He uses God’s name and his own religiosity for personal gain.

That Tebow’s behaviors benefit him personally indicates that Christians are just as gullible as anyone else. They do not understand what it means to take God’s name in vain or commercial religion. They are willing to take God’s name in vain if it benefits them or religious leaders whom they idolize. They may not receive a financial reward, but they will get a boost to their spiritual pride because they are associated with Tim Tebow who has a reputation for being strongly associated with God. This dynamic works for people but it does not work for God who only looks at the heart.

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