There are only a few alternatives to adopting a spiritual strategy of changing hearts and minds with truth:

    • The Christian Nationalism movement builds on its current momentum and gains political power needed to achieve its goals of dominating the seven mountains of culture in all of America.
    • Trust that traditional political/social movement strategies will eventually establish legislative majorities guided by God’s laws about how people should relate to one another in states that are currently controlled by Christian Nationalists.
    • Passively observe the social and economic damage wrought in states that are currently controlled by Christian Nationalists and resolve to help throw the rascals out in the next election.
    • Support political candidates who do not identify as Christian Nationalists with money and votes in the next election.
    • Trust that traditional political/social movement strategies will eventually establish legislative majorities guided by God’s laws about how people should relate to one another in states with divided legislatures.
    • Trust that traditional political/social movement strategies will eventually establish permanent legislative majorities guided by God’s laws about how people should relate to one another in both houses of Congress and in the office of president.
    • Trust that the political leanings of the Judicial branch of government will eventually change through attrition and new appointments to establish majorities guided by God’s laws about how people should relate to one another, and God’s idea of justice.

Given the current political landscape, none of these alternatives are palatable, or realistic. Nevertheless, some Jews and Christians no doubt believe that God can and will decisively and supernaturally intervene to rout out the Christian Nationalists and establish order and justice in America.

And no doubt some Jews and Christians believe that God can be persuaded to restore order and justice in the land if they pray enough for him to intervene on their behalf. These beliefs may preach convincingly to some Jews and Christians, but they are not good political/social policy. Moreover, these beliefs do not reflect how God actually works in the affairs of men.

The truth about how God works is that he does only one kind of miracle: He changes hearts and minds.

This truth is understandable only in the context of these companion truths: