Christian Nationalists justify and explain their movement by conformance to select literal words of the bible and their understanding of American history. These claims fail to pass the test of faithful agreement with both the bible and history. Since they have chosen to make public statements about the bible and history, it is fair and reasonable to critique their statements with respect to both sources.

Regarding the bible, Christian Nationalists try to create the impression that everything they say and do is directed by God and unquestionably righteous. To do this, they use their interpretations of the literal words of the bible to justify who they are and what they do. They do this out of ignorance that God’s written word and his voice are not the same.

Even though the bible makes it very clear, Christian Nationalists do not understand that the bible is a mystery in which the literal words are full of secrets, Symbols, Signs, Types, Parables, Allegories, Copies, and Shadows. It is wrong, therefore, to say that obedience to the literal words of the bible is the same as obedience to God’s spoken word as revealed in those secrets, Symbols, Signs, Types, Parables, Allegories, Copies, and Shadows. This is a serious flaw in Christian Nationalism doctrines.

More than a flaw, obedience to the literal words of the bible constitutes a lie when compared to obedience to God’s spoken word as revealed in the correct interpretations of Symbols, Signs, Types, Parables, Allegories, Copies, and Shadows. This a fair and reasonable assessment since God’s spoken word is the standard for truth.

Admittedly, differences between the written words of the bible and God’s spoken word are very difficult to understand. See these links for a detailed introduction to the principles of listening to God’s spoken voice while reading the bible:


The implications of the differences between the written word and God’s spoken word are immense. The implications are magnified many times over in the matter of the Christian Nationalism movement which adopts select bible verses and then self-righteously appropriates them to Oppress and Afflict others who are not like them in terms of skin color, sexual orientation, education, culture, social standing or religion. In other words, they use the bible as a tool, more correctly a weapon, to justify their concepts of a Godly life and manipulate others to adjust their own lives to conform to their concept. They call this protecting their religious rights. God calls it injustice.

Regarding history, Christian Nationalists claim that their movement is in agreement with America’s religious history. Furthermore, they claim that their movement is justified and righteous because it focuses on restoration of the religious beliefs and practices of early Americans. Just like what they do with respect to the bible, Christian Nationalists are selective in the history they choose to replicate in these modern times. Moreover, their knowledge of the facts of American history is faulty. That means that justification for their movement based on history is faulty because it is based on lies. Even if they cited history correctly, however, the standard for truth will always be God’s spoken word.

This arguments that follow do two things:

  1. Identify Christian Nationalism dogmas/doctrines/beliefs that are based on literal interpretations of select scriptures and used to justify and inform their political/social/legislative policies and practices.
  2. Report the correct interpretations of those select scriptures.
  3. Report faulty understanding of American history.
  4. Report the logical fallacies of claims about the bible and history.
  5. Report the factual, historical truths that dispute the statements about American history.

In making these comparisons, claims that Christian Nationalists use to legitimize their movement by quoting history and by exploiting the literal words of the bible are exposed as deceptions, lies and hypocrisy. The topics chosen for comparison are found in Christian Nationalism’s own published documents. Here are the  biblical rebuttals to each of their claims:

Christian Nationalists claim that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and savior of man.

  • The truth is: The claim that Jesus is the savior of man is a religious doctrine that is not universally accepted by all religions or all Americans.
  • The truth is: This claim that has no relevance to politics and government.
  • The truth is:  This statement is a shameful use of the bible as political weapon to give religious cover to the purely human enterprise of advancing Christian Nationalism for political purposes.
  • The truth is: This statement is a shameful, thinly veiled attempt to use Jesus’ name as religious cover for the human purpose of advancing the political reputations of Christian Nationalist politicians.


Christian Nationalists claim that all life, from conception until death, is sacred and the right to life is paramount.

  •  The truth is: Biblical references to “life” are always to spiritual life — not to physical life.
  • The truth is:  Biblical references to the beginning of life are to the moment that people are born again by the power of the spirit of God’s word — not to the beginning of physical life in the human womb.
  • The truth is: Death in the bible is a symbolic reference to spiritual death — not physical death.
  • The truth is: Christian Nationalists have conveniently and shamefully perverted and distorted biblical words to support their philosophical opposition to abortion.
  • The truth is: Christian Nationalists have exploited a wrong interpretation of the literal words of the bible held by many Christians to establish a feeling of political and religious solidarity on the abortion issue so that those Christians will support the Christian Nationalists with votes and money.


Christian Nationalists claim that these United States of America were founded by Christian men upon Christian tenets. Freedom of Religion is not an excuse to divorce the American culture from its origins. We will defend our rights as Christians in all aspects of American life.

 The truth is: There is dispute among scholars about the quality and content of the beliefs of the founding fathers.

The truth is: Several founders of the Constitution were deists and others were marginally religious.

The truth is: Saying that all founders were Christian men ignores the influence of women in the founding of America and the quality and content of its religion.

The truth is: The beliefs and practices of Christian Nationalists typically align with Pentecostalism which is a 20th century religion that contrasts radically with many beliefs and practices of 18th century Christianity.

The truth is: There is dispute between scholars about church attendance in the 18th century.

The truth is: The statement about how America was founded carefully avoids mention of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Amendments to the Constitution which are the legal documents on which America was founded.

The truth is: Failure to mention the Constitution and Bill of Rights in a statement about America’s origins and the rights of Christians devalues these legal documents and creates the erroneous impression that America is founded solely on Christian tenets.

The truth is: Many founders of the Constitution were deists.

The truth is: When Christian Nationalists challenge how to interpret and apply the Constitution, they show that they don’t really trust the work of the founding fathers they otherwise praise as Christian men.

The truth is: The second and third sentences (Freedom of Religion is not an excuse to divorce the American culture from its origins. We will defend our rights as Christians in all aspects of American life.) of the statement reveal the real intents of the Christian Nationalists in the first sentence (These United States of America were founded by Christian men upon Christian tenets.) By claiming to value America’s origins, Christian Nationalists cannot be selective of which origins to value and which origins to ignore. By claiming the right and desire to preserve America’s origins, Christian Nationalists acknowledge their religious history regarding slavery and oppression of Blacks and American Indians, and paternalistic attitudes toward women. Accordingly, they reveal and justify their present-day attitudes about oppressing and marginalizing all minorities and women.

The truth is: The statement “We will defend our rights as Christians in all aspects of American lifeReveals the desperation Christian Nationalists feel regarding holding on to their religion and culture. This desperation and willingness to defend religious rights shows that they do not trust God for their security and well-being.

The truth is: Christian Nationalists emphasize preservation of their religious rights at the expense of the rights of others that are guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. 


Christian Nationalists claim that marriage is an institution sanctioned by God between one man and one woman.

 The truth is: There is no scripture that says marriage is between one man and one woman.

The truth is: Biblical references to marriage symbolize the relationship of God to man — not human marriages.

The truth is: Biblical references to women are to his generic people — not to literal women.

The truth is: Biblical references to marriage fidelity symbolize God’s relationship to his people — not to the human institution of marriage.

The truth is: God does not distinguish between men and women. They are all equal in his eyes.

The truth is: There is no need for God to instruct humans about marriage, because marriage is a human, cultural issue — not a spiritual issue.

The truth is: There is a need for God to instruct humans about their intimate relationship to him.

The truth is: The statement by Christian Nationalists that “marriage is an institution sanctioned by God between one man and one woman” is a doctrine conceived and promoted by Christian Nationalists. This idea does not exist in the bible.

The truth is: The idea of marriage sanctioned by God is the perfect, heart-to-heart relationship between God and man/woman. See this link for the spiritual understanding of this relationship.

The truth is: Christian Nationalists use scripture to condemn all people who do not share their religious and political beliefs.


Christian Nationalists claim that there are two genders and all attempts to claim otherwise are an attempt to further pervert the glory of the Creation.

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Christian Nationalists claim that the family is the cornerstone of Western Civilization and should be protected from government intrusion and manipulation.

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Christian Nationalists claim that every American has the right to practical self-defense and the right to bear arms is as important as any of our other liberties.

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Christian Nationalists claim that capitalism is the best system for social development and Christian Charity the world has ever known. It must be preserved and promoted as the solution to the social and economic problems caused by Communism.

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Christian Nationalists claim that strong borders are a necessity for a safe and prosperous society.

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Christian Nationalists claim that Islam is a heretical perversion of the Judeo-Christian doctrine and must be recognized and treated as a threat to America and Western Civilization as a whole.

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The truth is that Jesus said “render to Caesar to Caesar the things that Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.”